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Silverweed (Potentilla anserina)



antispasmodic, astringent, wound healing

Areas of application:

for injuries to humans and pets, stomach or intestinal cramps in infants, tetanus, painful menstruation, cleanses the blood and makes it thinner, for all cramping conditions, varicose veins, acute diarrhea, intestinal colic, meteorism (gas accumulation in the intestinal and abdominal area), inflammation of the Mouth and throat mucosa, red eyes, spots on the face, heavy menstruation, muscle struggles, swollen thighs and feet, sweaty feet, leg cramps, body aches, loose teeth

Plant parts used:

Flowers and leaves, rarely the root

Collection time:

May to August

To find:

Widespread in grassy places, streams and ponds, roadsides and ditches.


Tannins, tormentol, flavonoids, tannins, amines, calcium


☕ Tea: Add 2 heaped teaspoons of herb to 1/4 liter of cold water or milk, heat to the boil and let it steep a little. 3 cups daily are sufficient, or a few tablespoons every hour for cramps.

🛑Please do not use if you have an irritable stomach!!!

In the kitchen, the leaves of Silverweed can be used in salads, soups and grain patties. At that time, the root was used as a vegetable dish and was dried and ground as a flour substitute.

All Silverweed species are fast ground cover plants with magical flowers, the elves will definitely come to the garden.

There is also the golden cinquefoil (Potentilla aurea) and the stem cinquefoil (Potentilla caulescens).

Hildegard von Bingen: When a person convulses, it may be boiled in wine and drunk. It is warm and its juice has moisture and is good for fever. Therefore, crush the herb and mix breadcrumbs with water as if you wanted to make tarts, and then mix in poppy seed oil, make a dough out of it, and then spread it on a cloth. And after you have warmed the whole cloth, wrap it around the stomach of the person who has a severe fever. When half a day or half a night has passed, take away the cloth and warm it again by the fire, and do the same again.

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