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Germander (Teucrium chamaedrys)


expectorant, bilious, digestive, wound-healing, fever-reducing, anti-inflammatory, cough-relieving, birth-promoting

Areas of application:

It relaxes, calms coughs, relieves constipation, cleanses the internal organs, purifies the blood, lichen, skin rashes, spleen problems, gout, rheumatism, uric acid problems, promotes birth by increasing contractions, supports a prolapsed uterus, fever, painful hemorrhoids, Gum disease

Plant parts used:

Leaves and flowering branches

Collection time:

May to September

To find:

Protected plant!!! In dry, sunny places on scree and limestone soils, on rocks and scree slopes up to 1800 m altitude.


Tannins, bitter substances, choline, essential oil, monoterpene dolichodial, teucrein, triterpenic acids, diterpenes teumarin, marrubiin, flavonoids


☕ Tea: 1 teaspoon of Germander is mixed with 1/4 liter of cold water, heated to a boil and strained after a short brewing time. Take 3 cups daily.

Germander is considered a witch-repellent and also scares away the devil if you carry the plant in your hand. In Switzerland, older people carry it with them in amulets to ward off evil influences and receive protection.

Wall-Germander is one of the antiviral plants.

Germander is an ingredient in many liqueurs and many drinks.

If you smoke germander from the dried herb, this promises to attract plant souls.

There are also the sage germander (forest germander), garlic germander and water germander. The sage germander is drunk as a tea for fever, urinary retention, stomach and intestinal problems and gynecological problems. As a pad for fractures and wounds that are difficult to heal. The powder made from herbs and roots should be taken regularly when cancer begins. The garlic germander saved the lives of many people during the plague in the Middle Ages. Today it is used in homeopathy to treat mucous membranes of the nose and bronchi, as well as bone and testicular diseases.

Hildegard von Bingen: If the blood passes through him too much during bowel movements, he should add germander to the vegetables and other good herbs, prepare a dish from it and enjoy it moderately. The germander prevents the above-mentioned blood flow and holds it back, but the vegetables and the other herbs bring the patient back to strength.

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