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Power animals

Power animals are also called spirit animals or totem animals and play a major role in shamanism. They are guardian spirits that appear in the stables of other living beings. In other cultures where shamanism occurs, people also believe in helping spirits, which are seen as the souls of deceased ancestors, plant or animal spirits. So everyone has at least one spirit animal and some even have more or even many helping spirits.

According to the teachings of various forms of shamanism, animal spirits have great power in the otherworldly upper and lower worlds. They are intended to help the shaman find his way in the worlds. The animal spirits are also called upon to accompany, protect, heal and guide the human soul on journeys in these worlds. Several of the shaman's assistant spirits have the task of healing him from illness, misery and misfortune on his soul journey.

According to most authors, the term shamanism is derived from the word shaman, borrowed from Siberia, which the Tungusic peoples use to describe their necromancers. The word “shaman” is derived from “šamán”, which was taken in the 17th century by travelers who were taken in by the Tungus people in Siberia (or Evenks, are an indigenous people of North Asia consisting of numerous regional groups and clans). was adapted and passed on.

How do you get your spirit animal? The so-called power animals are recognized or imagined in dreams, imitated in dance and sound and serve as companions and advisors in connection with imaginative ideas. In the Indian horoscope, for example, the power animals are already predetermined, just as the zodiac signs are also predetermined for us.

Indian horoscope

01/20 until 02/18 - Otter (01/20 to 02/18 - Aquarius)

02/19 until 03/20 - Wolf/Puma (02/19 to 03/20 - Pisces)

03/21 until 04/19 - Falcon (03/21 to 04/20 - Aries)

04/20 until 05/20 - Beaver (04/21 to 05/21 - Taurus)

05/21 until 06/20 - Deer (05/22 to 06/21 - Gemini)

06/21 until 07/22 - Woodpecker (06/22 to 07/22 - Cancer)

07/23 until 08/22 - Salmon (07/23 to 08/22 - Leo)

08/23 until 09/22 - Brown Bear (08/23 to 09/22 - Virgo)

09/23 until 10/23 - Raven (09/23 to 10/22 - Libra)

10/24 until 11/21 - Snake (10/23 to 11/22 - Scorpio)

11/22 until 12/21 - Owl (11/23 to 12/20 - Sagittarius)

12/22 until 01/19 - Goose (12/21 to 01/19 - Capricorn)

Meaning of power animals

Eagle: sublime, proud, higher self, clarity and daring, moving between worlds, urge for freedom, he calls on us to strengthen our own potential.

Monkey: impulsive, instinctive drives, straightforwardness, lightness, courage, agility, making jokes without harming anyone, being able to laugh at yourself, life is one big adventure

Blackbird: adaptable, joy, enjoyment, cheerfulness, love of life, optimism and daring, they also represent the unconscious

Brown bear: security, instinct, vitality, courage and protection, strength lies in calm

Beaver: Intuition, power of vision, creativity, leads you into the realm of dreams

Bison: balance, stability and stoic calm

Ox: Consistency, abundance, heralds a new cycle

Chameleon: Adaptability, quick-wittedness, connection to the invisible rather than the visible

Badger: earthy, friendly, wise, perseverance, tenacity, healing and courage

Dolphin: Sensitivity, joy of life, gentleness and trust, it embodies the feminine side of humans and strengthens our trust

Dragon: liberation, unleashing, guardian of order and chaos, unites the four elements

Squirrel: Balance, flexibility, communication and vision

Lizard: Regeneration, survivor, it usually shows up when we have forgotten how to dream and have lost sight of our goals

Unicorn: Truthfulness, it reminds us of our own inner strength and the magic that lies within us all

Polar bear: shape-shifter, accompanies us on lonely paths of discovery and protects against coldness of heart

Elk: quality, rogue, his antlers are an antenna to the other world, he connects the strength and power of the earth with the wisdom and goodness of the sky

Elephant: memory, wisdom of life, steadfastness, tradition and wisdom, is resentful and is considered a bearer of the world

Duck: warming, heartfelt love, stabilizes mental balance, warns of danger "Watch your path"

Donkey: self-willed, burden-bearing, considered intelligent and sure-footed, symbol of humility

Owl: insight, initiation, accuracy, intuition and wisdom, it is nocturnal, nothing escapes it, it enables contact with the dark and the realm of the dead

Falcon: Speed, messenger between worlds, he puts his needs above those of everyone else

Fire Salamander: Guardian of fire, its inner coldness causes fire to go out

Fish: Intuition, symbol of the emotional world, letting yourself drift in the flow of life and perceiving your inner voice

Bat: Intuition, communication, orientation and rebirth, seeing in the dark

Fly: Endurance, persistence, patience, skill and sophistication

Frog: Fertility, healing, purification, transformation and transformation, indicates inner beauty

Fox: fertility, intelligence, cunning, perspicacity, self-awareness, stealth and wit "Observe from a distance before you act"

Goose: purity, femininity, reliability

Vulture: magical creature, change, considered a harbinger of death or misfortune

Cheetah: it helps you focus, recognize your true goals and implement them as quickly as possible

Giraffe: it stands for loving communication and helps to connect heaven and earth as well as heart and mind without "taking off"

Rooster/Chicken: Renewal, care, motherhood (chicken), awakening call of the soul

Hamster: encourages you to ask questions about meaning, points out that you may be on the “hamster wheel” and suffering from a pointless activity

Rabbit: Adaptability, love of the heart, intuition, transformation and alertness, don't be fooled

Deer: Charisma, openness, self-respect and independence, he encourages you to take responsibility, solve your problems with calm and composure and find your place in the world

Dog: Love, loyalty, fidelity, protection, intelligence and confidence, he teaches us to entrust ourselves devotedly to his leadership, as a reward we are led into the light of a new life

Hedgehog: supports you in better representing and implementing your views, ideas and projects to the outside world

Jaguar: Dimensional jump, it symbolizes the power of silence

Camel: Endurance, stamina, survivor

Cat: intuition, self-determination, gentleness and connection to the other world

Condor: magical creature, change, considered a harbinger of death or misfortune

Cobra: Elegance, healing power, self-mastery and change

Coyote: foolish wisdom, he turns your life upside down to let in a breath of fresh air

Hummingbird: Heart opener, it encourages you to pause more often and enjoy the beauty of the moment

Crab/Cancer: Flexibility, devotion and purification, sometimes it is advisable to go sideways or backwards to move forward

Crane: concentration and cohesion, invitation to the dance of life

Crocodile: Healing deep wounds and transformation, it challenges you, your tears flow, it frees you and so you find your inner strength back

Cow: Abundance, motherly care, blessing and affection, it asks you to take more time and reflect on what you have experienced

Salmon trout: Rejuvenation, accepting obstacles and seeing them as an opportunity

Leopard: Perfection, symbolic image of a courageous, brave warrior, it challenges you to become aware of your own power and strength

Dragonfly: Agility, lightness and stillness

Leo: Authority, calmness, loyalty, power and strength for the good of all

Lynx: new awareness, seeing through the background, "Pay attention to your senses, trust your intuition"

Ladybug: Sensitivity, joy, fertility, happiness and hope, it reminds us that it is often the little things that make us happy

Mouse: Justice, appreciation, "you can achieve big things even in small things"

Seagull: Sociability, it shows that only in company do you realize who you really are and where you stand

Rhino: Earth connection and ancient knowledge, “Trust your intuition, this is the only way you can find deep access to yourself”

Otter: creativity, originality, transformation, playfulness

Panther: Perfection, exploring the shadows

Pegasus: Grace, majesty, freedom, connection with source

Horse: symbolizes personal drive, grace, agility, dynamism, freedom, strength, passion and sensuality, "Win with gentleness"

Phoenix: resurrection, strength, regeneration, transformation and rebirth

Puma: Endurance, dexterity, gentleness, speed and wisdom

Raven: Intelligence, magic, playfulness, strong magic and foresight, "Face your spiritual abilities and use them respectfully"

Rat: skillful, easy-going, courageous, charisma, intelligence, determination

Deer: Grace, instinct, love and alertness, fears are seen through

Robbe: Emotions, redemption, longings and self-confidence, "Feelings shape your personality and want to be noticed"

Salamander: Firepower, calls for clearing emotions and forgiving

Sheep: Fighting spirit, sharp mind, vitality, realization of dreams, "Recognize manipulation. Don't be a follower"

Turtle: peace-loving, stability, deliberate action, meditation, calm, temporary withdrawal and trust

Snake: spiritual development, healing, creation, infinity, letting go of the past

Butterfly: joy, lightness, metamorphosis and transformation, spiritual awakening of the soul

Swan: Grace, power of love, loyalty, beauty and transformation

Pig: fertility, happiness and sensual pleasures, "celebrate life"

Woodpecker: Happiness, imagination, it symbolizes access to the other world, "Find your rhythm"

Spider: Creativity, femininity, infinity, it stands for liberation, "Detach yourself from entanglements. You have the strings in your hand"

Capricorn: determined, cockiness, willpower, invitation to self-reflection

Taurus: Work, perseverance, hard work, calmness and health, "Don't let yourself be provoked"

Stork: connected to the source, change, growth and cosmopolitanism

Dove: Peacemaker, harmony, love, reconciliation and confidence

Tiger: enthusiasm, instinct, individualism and vitality

Squid: mindful, sensitive, creativity, gives us strength and protection

Bird: Freedom, lightness, momentum, soul fire, it brings you news and helps you to have a higher-level view

Whale: Serenity, calm, reconnection, “never lose sight of reality”

Aries: goal-oriented, strengthens your projects, realizes your dreams

Wolf: Endurance, leadership, community, tactics and knowledge, he stands for the balance between society and the individual, between authority and freedom, "Listen to your inner voice, set boundaries and secure your freedom"

I hope you find your suitable power animal(s) that will help you move forward in life and accompany you throughout your soul's life.

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