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Wicca symbols

Wicca is a modern pagan religion and was first introduced by Gerald Gardner, a British occultist and author who some consider the father of the Wicca religion. The Wicca religion is dualistic and involves the worship of a god and a goddess, primarily the Triune Goddess and the Horned God.

These witch symbols that you see below are used in rituals, worn as pendants and used as decoration in rooms. They are there to increase energy and achieve a certain magical effect.


The Pentagram

The pentagram is one of the most important things a witch should have. The symbol of a five-pointed star, called a pentagram or Drudenfuß. It appears throughout history as a powerful and positive symbol in a variety of religions, and it was also used in alchemy. The five stars represent the five elements, with the top representing spirit. This is followed in a clockwise direction by water, fire, earth and air.

Turned upside down, the pentagram symbolizes a goat and thus represents the horned god of some neo-pagan beliefs. At an as-yet-undefined point in Western history, the Drude's foot became a symbol of Satan and devil worship. Gradually, those who had turned to the dark side of magic adopted the inverted pentagram.

Many witches wear pentagram jewelry for protection or as a sign by which other witches can recognize them.


The Hexagram

The hexagram represents the union of man and woman, as well as fire and water, heaven and earth and light and darkness. It contains planetary energies in its form and as such is most commonly used in cosmic rituals. It is a symbol of protection against demons and fire. When worn, one can summon spirits and spiritual powers. The hexagram also stands for the 7 ancient planets Sun, Mercury, Venus, Moon, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. At that time, the moon and the sun were considered planets.

Unicursal Hexagram

The Unicursal Hexagram

The unicursal hexagram is a six-pointed star and is used for summoning and banishing and is usually associated with the Golden Dawn.

Element air

The element air

In traditional Wicca, the element air stands for logic, intellect, communication and the direction of the east. Rituals performed under the blue sky give additional power under this symbol and unlock its potential. The element of air represents the realm beyond us, the spirit world and the element necessary to sustain life.

Fire element

The element of fire

The element fire represents the powerful, dramatic and destructive flame. In traditional Wicca, fire represents ambition, activity, desire, courage, transformation and the direction of the south. Fire is essential for candle magic and rituals that banish bad energy.

Earth element

The element earth

The earth element represents our mother earth and the life process. It stands for the goddess, the pentagram and the direction north. It also represents growth, strength and stability. Rituals that are carried out in nature therefore unfold their full potential in every type of development.

Element water

The element of water

The element water stands for love, dreams, purity, wishes, emotions and the direction of the west. The symbol is mostly used in cleansing, healing and clarifying rituals.

Triune Goddess

The Triune Goddess

The Triune Goddess represents the Virgin, the Mother and the Crone. The Triune Goddess is so ancient that it is impossible to count the number of names given to her, but she is most commonly referred to as Hekate, the Greek goddess of magic. The symbol also shows the phases of the moon, which are of great importance to witches. The Triune Goddess can be used in all rituals related to the moon. It can also be used as a symbol of protection and power.

Horned God

The Horned God

The most common gods represented by this symbol in Wicca are the Greek god Pan and the Celtic god Cernunnos. The Horned God is the god of witchcraft, but he is also the god of hunting, nature, human instincts and wild animals. In rituals it can help us gain strength.

Spiral Goddess

The Spiral Goddess

The spiral goddess represents feminine energy and power. She has been a goddess symbol since ancient times and represents the Divine Feminine, the movement of creation and power. The fertility goddess has a spiral in the middle of her belly that represents creativity, femininity, the sacral chakra and the menstrual cycle.

Hecate's wheel

Hekate's Wheel

Represents the three aspects of the goddess, maiden, mother and the crone. It is symbol of energy transmission and knowledge through the divine forces. Hekate was the goddess of magic, crossroads, witchcraft, spirits, herbs, darkness and light.


The Triskele

The triskele is associated with the triune goddess, but also with the cycle of life: birth, life, death. A symbol of movement, development, progress, cycle and action. It is protective, acts as a guide to the otherworlds and brings great power.

Triquetra or Trinity

The Triquetra or Trinity

The knot represents trinity. In Wicca symbol of the law of the threefold return or the circle of life. Death and rebirth. It can also stand for earth, sea and sky.

Witch knot

The Witch's Knot

The witch's knot is a protective symbol of folk magic. It represents the knot magic practiced by witches during the Middle Ages. Also known as the Magic Knot and Witch Spells. Often used as a means of protection, banishment or warding off evil.


The Ankh

The Ankh is an ancient Egyptian hieroglyph that stands for the word life. It is a symbol of life itself, it represents eternal life. The Ankh is protective and connects us to all of our past and later lives.

Sun Cross

The Sun Cross

Represents the sun, the earth, the four seasons or the four elements. It is used in spells for work, for protection and for connection with the higher self.

Bike of the year

Bike of the Year

The Wheel of the Year is a symbol of the eight Sabbaths, which include four solar festivals and four seasonal festivals. The symbol is also called the sun wheel. A Witches' Sabbath is the time when people come together to practice witchcraft and other rituals.


Samhain (October 31)


Yule (December 21st)


Imbolc (February 1st)


Ostara (March 21)


Beltane (May 1st)


Litha (June 21)


Mabon (September 1st)


Lammas (August 1st)

I'll show you the witch runes in another post.

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