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Jerusalem artichoke (Helianthus tuberosus)


sugar regulating, excretory, immune strengthening

Areas of application:

Has a beneficial effect on the colon flora, stimulates the entire immune system, natural intestinal cleansing, prevents intestinal diseases and even colon cancer, as a diet vegetable for diabetics, regulates blood sugar levels, adult-onset diabetes, pancreatic diseases

Plant parts used:

Tubers, young leaves

Collection time:

Leaves in spring, tubers all year round

To find:

garden plant


Calcium, iron, vitamin B1, B2, C, carotene, fats, protein, carbohydrates, inulin


Jerusalem artichoke grows up to 3 m high. Rough, hairy leaves are opposite each other on the upper part of the stem, while the lower leaves are alternate. These are also larger, they can be up to 30 cm long. Taller growing leaves are smaller and narrower. The yellow flowers are a structure of 60 or more disc florets in the flower head, surrounded by 10 to 20 ray florets. Small sunflower seeds grow on the disc. The flower head grows up to 10 cm in diameter. The edible tubers grow up to 10 cm long and have a diameter of 5 cm. Its appearance is similar to that of ginger root. However, the color can vary from white to pale brown or even red or purple.

A popular belief says that when the earth pear blooms, a hard winter follows.

Jerusalem artichoke
Image: Wikipedia, Earendil

In the kitchen, a salad is suitable for people with diabetes or pancreatic problems. The tubers are washed and then finely rubbed together with the peel. It is seasoned with lemon juice, cream and some ground nuts.

The tubers can be eaten raw, steamed and fried. Jerusalem artichoke tastes particularly good when roasted in its own juice or fried in hot oil, like French fries. The tuber can also be prepared breaded like Wiener Schnitzel. What is not recommended is cooking without further processing, as is done with potatoes.

At first you should start with a small tuber and then eat more of it later.

🛑 Jerusalem artichoke can cause bloating and stomach pain in some people, so it's better to start slowly and then increase it.

Jerusalem artichoke is a “healing food” for diabetes, at least it supports a sugar diet.

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