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Violet, fragrant (Viola odorata)


antihypertensive, expectorant, blood purifying, pain relieving, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic

Areas of application:

Varicose veins, blocked veins, dry cough, cold, asthma, lung disease, agitation, skin diseases, eczema, insect bites, small abrasions, bruises, inflammation of the stomach lining, spring cold, bronchial disease, whooping cough, headaches, impure skin, acne, burns, swollen lymph nodes, swollen Tonsils, sore throats, cancerous skin diseases, sinus infections, frontal sinus infections, neuralgia, surgical scars, connective tissue knots, helpful for measles, scarlet fever or rubella, cradle cap in infants, joint pain of all kinds, including the neck and back, hemorrhoids, varicose veins

Plant parts used:

Leaves and flowers

Collection time:

March to April

To find:

Frequently found in hedges, on fences, at the edges of forests and on shady lawns.


Glycoside, saponins, bitter substances, odoratin, color, cyamine, vitamins, minerals


☕ Tea: 2 teaspoons of flowers with leaves are added to 1/4 liter of cold water, heated, left to stand for 5 minutes and strained. You drink a cup 3 times a day.

Violets usually only grow to a height of 10 to 15 cm. They grow in clusters of purple, blue, yellow or white flowers that grow on a leafless stem. Each flower consists of 5 parts of different sizes. The flowers bloom from early spring to early summer. Heart-shaped basal leaves grow from the underground root. The leaf edge is toothed but rounded.

🛑 Some people get a rash when they come into contact with the leaves. It contains no known poisons, but allergies are always possible. Large doses of the root or seeds can cause severe stomach upset, vomiting, high blood pressure, and breathing problems. Beware of poisonous doppelgangers.

The fragrant violet can be confused with the dog violet (Viola canina) due to its appearance. Butterflies lay their eggs on the dog violet. The real violet can be recognized immediately by its smell, the dog violet has no smell.

Made from 2 parts violet flowers, 2 parts rosemary leaves and 2 parts rose petals in schnapps and a little essential lavender oil can be used as a poultice for strained limbs, sprains and other acute injuries.

In the kitchen, violet flowers can be used in spring salads or soups. The flowers also look pretty as decoration on cheese and sausage platters, in soups, salads or vegetable and meat dishes. Younger leaves and flowers are tender and can be eaten fresh. Older leaves need to be cooked in soups or stews to tenderize them and remove the bitter substances. The root and seeds cannot be eaten, they cause nausea and vomiting.

The violets that grow in our gardens can also be used. Unfortunately, they are not as healing as the real thing.

Hildegard von Bingen: A person who has sore eyes and whose eyes are darkening and who feels pain, take violet juice and twice as much rose juice and add fennel juice to the third part of the rose juice, and add to that some wine. And when he goes to sleep, he anoints around his eyes, taking care not to touch the eyes internally.

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