warming, intestinal support, kidney support, metabolism stimulating
Areas of application:
The high fiber content of spelled ensures healthy processes in the intestines. Vitamins, minerals for the functioning of the metabolism and especially the protection of the cell walls against oxidation should be emphasized. By eating spelled you have more resistance to colds, concentration and performance are increased and in asthmatics the number of attacks seems to decrease in proportion to the higher proportion of spelled in the diet. Blood circulation, such as blood pressure abnormalities, are harmonized. This means that if blood pressure is too high, it goes down and if blood pressure is too low, it adjusts to normal values.
Spelled pillows and mattress toppers are used to massage the body area during the night to help relax and relieve pain from muscle cramps. Earaches, toothaches, maxillary sinus problems and headaches, but the pillows can also help with asthmatic problems. In addition, the silica in spelled prevents house dust mites from spreading in the bed. Anyone who suffers from allergies will appreciate it. Spelled pillows can be warmed or cooled and are therefore ideal for supporting heat treatment in cases of inflammation.
Plant parts used:
Collection time:
Grain cut at the end of July, beginning of August
To find:
Spelled is purchased from organic farmers or natural food stores and stored dry in paper or linen bags. Spelled flour is now also available in shops and can be found almost everywhere.
Starch, fiber, fat, iron, magnesium, zinc, B vitamins, vitamins E, silica
Did you know that spelled is an original form of grain and has therefore not been genetically modified. In contrast to wheat, spelled is “de-husked”; the husks are firmly attached to the spelled grain. In short, this means that the grain is protected by a shell and therefore also from environmental influences, etc. This means that it requires more effort and a higher price when purchasing than wheat.
According to Hildegard von Bingen, spelled is the best grain. It is of higher quality than other grains.
Anyone who uses Spelt should definitely make sure to drink more liquid. The human body needs around 20 percent more fluid to swell the fiber. I hope you're not thinking, oh God, drink any more. Unfortunately, I know the problem all too well. Many people know that drinking is very important for our body, but we still just can't manage to drink 2 to 3 liters a day. This doesn't necessarily include coffee and alcohol, as these damage and strain the body. The only tip I have for you is to put a bottle or a jug in front of you and drink it throughout the day so that you know approximately how many liters you have already drunk.
If you have a wheat allergy, you usually switch to spelled because it is better tolerated. Spelt has a different protein molecule, which is why spelled allergies are rare and only occur in neurodermatitis sufferers.
Unfortunately, spelled is not gluten-free. If you cannot tolerate gluten, you will have to avoid spelled. The gluten protein in spelled is even higher than in wheat.
Pastor Sebastian Kneip invented an excellent coffee substitute. Many people know roasted spelled coffee as “Muckefuck”.
Hildegard von Bingen: Spelled is the best grain, it is warm and fat and strong and it is milder and of higher quality than other grains. He gives his eater right flesh and right blood, happy mind and joyfully human thinking.