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Nut liqueur

2 recipes

Nut liqueur


10 green walnuts

1 liter fruit schnapps

1/4 kg sugar

1 liter of water


fine sieve




Cut the green walnuts into small pieces and put them in a glass. Now pour the fruit schnapps over it and then close the jar and leave it in a warm, sunny place for 6 weeks.

After 6 weeks, the whole thing is strained through a fine sieve.

In a pot, add the sugar and water and cook to a syrup. Then mix both liquids, let the liqueur stand for a while and only then bottle it. Don't forget to label with the date and name. The liqueur will only be ready for use after a few days.

If you want to improve the taste, boil the sugar in 1 liter of red wine instead of water, mix it again with liquids (not yet strained), then let it steep again for 14 days and then strain everything.

Attention: Alcohol is not for children, young people, pregnant women and drivers!!!


Nut kernel liqueur



1 kg fresh nuts

1 liter fruit brandy

1 teaspoon clove spice

1 teaspoon ground cinnamon

1 peel of an orange

1/4 kg sugar

1/4 liter of water


fine sieve


Linen cloth or coffee filter


The fresh nuts are chopped and placed in a glass jar. Then you pour the fruit brandy on top and place the jar closed in the sun for 4 weeks. Shaking daily is important!

After one month, strain the nuts through a fine sieve and add the clove spice, ground cinnamon and the peel of an unsprayed orange to the broth. Now let it stand in the sun again for 1 week.

After the week, put the sugar and water in a pot and boil it to a syrup. Now mix both liquids well and then filter it through a linen cloth or coffee filter. Now the nut liqueur can be bottled and labeled with the name and date.

Attention: Alcohol is not for children, young people, pregnant women and drivers!!!

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