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Mullein (Verbascum densiflorum)



emollient, expectorant, cough-relieving, blood-purifying, diuretic, calming, antispasmodic, skin-cleansing, diaphoretic, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, astringent, decongestant, softening, expectorant, pain-relieving, wound-healing

Areas of application:

Cough, dry, irritating cough with coughing fits, chronic and severe cough, bronchitis, asthma, tuberculosis, all lung diseases, rheumatism, mild diarrhea in children and the elderly, beginning hearing loss, ear infections, pain in the middle ear, warts, sore and watery eyes, wounds, ulcers, Urinary dribbling, hemorrhoids, tinnitus, muscle cramps

Plant parts used:

flowers and leaves

To find:

On fallow land, stony slopes, embankments, on gravel along roadsides, always in full sun, no longer found as often as before.

Collection time:

July to August


Saponin, sapogenin, invert sugar, cane sugar, mucus, essential oil, fat, xanthophylls, hesperidin, potassium


☕ Tea: 1 teaspoon is poured into 1/4 liter of boiling water, left to steep for 10 minutes and filtered. 3 cups daily are sufficient.

Mullein is an annual, biennial or perennial plant. It has an upright, tall flower cluster that can reach almost 2.4 m high. It is easy to recognize thanks to its basal rosette, tall flower stalk and velvety, soft leaves. Each mullein flower is about 1.8 cm tall and consists of five pale petals, five hairy, green sepals, five stamens and a pistil. The leaves are very large, long, oval, velvety, gray-green and grow up to 50 cm long. Mullein produces small, egg-shaped capsules about 1/4 inch long that contain many small, brown seeds. They are less than 0.1 cm in size.

🛑 Mulleins in any processing, whether from dried or fresh flowers, must be strained well, or better yet, filtered, as the fine hairs can be irritating. Please do not use during pregnancy or breastfeeding. Some people may experience skin irritation, stomach pain, and difficulty breathing. These are allergic reactions, please stop taking them.

In the garden, a mullein settles exactly where it wants. There is no point in moving the plant; it would die. You should approach all plants with reverence, but this sun plant reacts particularly sensitively to carelessness and ingratitude. Before collecting the flowers, pause briefly and have a conversation with the plant! Thank you for the donation of flowers and always pick them on a sunny day, around midday.

Mullein is a potassium smuggler plant.

Mullein seeds can be used as bait when fishing. Lamp wicks can be made from the dried leaves. The whole plant, dipped in resin or fat, serves as a torch. The collected fluff burns like tinder. You can still try it out today.

The mullein has already made a good name for itself as a weather prophet over the past centuries. You can determine the time of the onset of winter by the state of the flowers. If the stem is already covered with flowers at the bottom, it will come early. If the flower heads start high, the first snow should not be expected until well after Christmas.

Hildegard of Bingen: If you have a weak and sad heart, cook mullein with meat or fish without other herbs. And he eats it often because it strengthens his heart and makes him happy. But whoever has pain in the chest, let him boil equal weight of mullein and fennel in good wine and drink it often; it will heal the chest.

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