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Goosefoot, White (Chenopodium album)

Goosefoot, White


anti-inflammatory, pain-relieving, fever-reducing, expectorant, anti-rheumatic, gentle laxative

Areas of application:

Scurvy, burns, mild skin irritation, itching, rashes, swelling, insect bites, sunstroke, mild laxative, stomach pain, indigestion, colic, flatulence, arthritis, gout, rheumatism, swollen feet, tooth decay, bad breath, cold, flu with respiratory problems, worm diseases

Plant parts used:


Collection time:

May to September

To find:

Near streams, rivers, in meadows and damp forest clearings.


Oxalic acid, saponins, vitamin A, B2, C, niacin, mineral salts such as calcium, iron, phosphorus


White goosefoot is an annual plant and grows between 10 and 150 cm high. The alternate leaves are light green on the upper side and whitish on the underside. They are somewhat diamond-shaped or shaped like a goose's foot, which is where it gets its name from. The leaf surface is waxy, so rain and dew rolls right off the leaves. Each leaf grows up to 10 cm long. It produces tiny clusters of green flowers at the top of the panicles in summer. The flowers are densely clustered along the main stem and upper branches. Each flower has five green sepals and no petals. The seeds are angular, somewhat ribbed and striped with pink, purple or yellow. The stems are ribbed and usually colored purple or red.

Young shoots, leaves, flowers and seeds can be used in the kitchen. They can be eaten like spinach. It has a strong, slightly sweet taste. The seeds should be boiled or soaked in water before use. In India, for example, the seeds are cooked and eaten as groats or made into flour.

The crushed fresh root provides a mild soap substitute.

🛑 White goosefoot is an edible plant that poses little risk with moderate use. However, the plant contains small amounts of saponins. The saponins are broken down by cooking. Like many other green leafy vegetables, it also contains oxalates, which are not recommended in large quantities for people prone to kidney stones.

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