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Eyebright (Euphrasia rostkoviana, syn. Euphrasia officinalis)

Eyebright (Euphrasia rostkoviana, syn. Euphrasia officinalis)


eye-strengthening, stomach-strengthening, astringent, nerve-stimulating, skin-strengthening, pain-relieving, antibiotic, anti-inflammatory, astringent

Areas of application:

Eye weakness, conjunctivitis, eyelid inflammation, stye, hoarseness, stomach weakness, loss of appetite, headaches, strengthens memory, hay fever, a remedy after excessive alcohol consumption, sensitive skin due to weather influences, tongue paralysis and stuttering can be greatly improved

Plant parts used:

the whole flowering herb

Collection time:

during flowering (July to September)

To find:

It can be found on dry slopes, poor meadows, forest clearings and sparse forests.


Tannins, bitter substances, essential oil, fatty oil, tannins, aucubin, coumarin, sugar, salts, fatty acids, rutin


☕ Tea: For internal use, make an infusion of 1 teaspoon of herb and 1/4 liter of boiling water and let it steep for about 15 minutes.

Eyebright is an annual herbaceous plant and can grow to between 5 and 25 cm in height. The flowers are white, often with purple veins and a yellow spot on the lower petals. The leaves are just under a centimeter long, opposite, stalkless, ovate-oblong and serrated. Like the entire inflorescence, they are densely covered with glandular hairs. (Wikipedia)

It is important that only the correct forms of eyebright with glandular hairs on the calyx are used, as other forms have no medicinal properties.

In the kitchen, the flowers and the slightly bitter leaves can be eaten in salads.

It is said that where eyebright grows, lightning strikes more often.

Children can also use eyebright.

The dried herb is a component of herbal incense mixtures that are used for chronic bronchial colds.

Hildegard von Bingen: Its greens are useful, so that people who are weak and lose their reason should cook the herb in puree or soups. If your eyes hurt, bring the flower to the boil and after squeezing out the water, place it warm on your eyes.

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