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Dittany (Dictamnus albus)

Slightly toxic



Promotes contractions, promotes menstruation, heals wounds

Areas of application:

Wounds, menstruation, stomach ailments, avoiding kidney and bladder stones, rheumatism, fever, stomach cramps, epilepsy

Plant parts used:

Root, upper shoot tips

Collection time:

spring and autumn

To find:

Dittany should not be collected as it is highly protected and potentially endangered. So it is protected!


essential oils, calcium oxalate, flavonoids, furoquinoline alkaloids, dictamnine, furanocoumarins, coumarins, limonoids


☕ Tea: Pour 1/4 liter of boiling water over 1 teaspoon of root or herb. Let it steep for 15 minutes. 2 cups per day are sufficient.

Dittany gives off a lemon-like smell. On hot summer days, the secretion of the fragrant substance is so strong that the gas above the plant can ignite. Among other things, it is also called the “Burning Bush”. However, the dittany does not suffer any damage.

🛑 It is important to mention that diptam is toxic and phototoxic. Through skin contact, it causes sensitivity to sunlight and can lead to a long-term, burn-like injury. If you want to touch the plant, you should wear gloves and long clothing. Just the glandular hairs on the leaves trigger a skin reaction. If contact does occur, you can protect the relevant area of skin from sunlight.

Caution!!! During pregnancy you should avoid diptam applications and limit prolonged exposure to the sun if possible!!!

Hildegard von Bingen recognized its healing properties and was able to praise it highly enough. Nowadays it is used as a spice in Hildegard cuisine, for example in vegetable soups, herb breads, salad dressings or vegetables.

The recommendation for blood thinning and to cleanse the vessels is: a little diptam with a bite of bread 3 times a day. This is also intended to prevent lipid metabolism disorders and eliminate circulatory disorders.

The real Swedish herbs according to Maria Treben contain diptam as one of the effective ingredients.

Hildegard von Bingen: The dittany has the powers of fire and stone. The person in whom a stone grows powders the woodpecker root and often eats this powder with wheat bread and it prevents the stone from growing. And when the stone is already there, put the powder in vinegar mixed with honey and drink it often sober, and the stone will be broken. Anyone who has pain in the heart should also eat the powder.

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