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Woodruff punch (with and without alcohol)

2. Recipes

May punch with alcohol

Woodruff punch (with and without alcohol)


20 fresh stalks of woodruff

150g sugar

1 bottle of white wine

2 chilled bottles of white wine

1 ice-cold bottle of sparkling wine

Orange slices as decoration

Punch bowl

Thread for example yarn


It is important that the woodruff is collected before it blooms. Remove the lower leaves from the woodruff stems and tie them together into a bunch with thread. Then you wash them briefly under cold running water.

Pour the sugar into the punch bowl and pour over the first bottle of white wine. Dissolve the sugar while stirring constantly and then hang the woodruff bush in so that the end of the stem does not come into contact with the wine. Now let the whole thing steep for 30 minutes.

After half an hour, remove the bunch of herbs and add the 2 chilled bottles of wine.

Just before the punch is served, the bottle of sparkling wine is added and the orange slices as decoration.

Tip: Woodruff punch can be made all year round from woodruff wine. Since the fresh woodruff can only be found in the months of April and May.

Attention: Alcohol is not for children, young people, pregnant women and drivers!!!


May punch alcohol-free

Woodruff punch (with and without alcohol)


1 bunch of woodruff (before flowering)

1 liter apple juice water (diluted apple juice)

2 natural lemons

possibly sugar

Punch bowl

Thread for example yarn


As described above, make another woodruff bush and let it wilt slightly. Then, as desired, mix apple juice and water into the punch bowl to make 1 liter and then hang the woodruff bushes inside so that the stem ends do not come into contact with the apple juice and water. Cut the lemons into slices and add them to the punch. Now let everything stand covered for 30 minutes.

After half an hour, the bunch of herbs can be removed again and you can dilute water or add sugar as desired. Depending on how sweet you want it.

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