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Woodruff (Galium odoratum)



stimulating, heart-strengthening, diuretic, diaphoretic, germicidal, calming, sleep-inducing, blood-purifying, liver-strengthening, digestive, antispasmodic

Areas of application:

Dispels melancholy and melancholy, for mild heart failure, palpitations, urinary problems, abdominal problems, can relieve headaches (be careful, too much has the opposite effect), strengthens and cleanses the liver, jaundice, stone disease, for blood purification, wounds, uterine and vaginal infections

Plant parts used:

The flowering herb for tea,

the herb before flowering for punch and juices

Collection time:

April to May

To find:

Mostly found in shady beech forests and gardens.


Coumarin, fatty oil, essential oil, tannin, bitter substance, vitamin C, aperuloside, anthraglycoside


☕ Tea: 1 teaspoon of herb poured over 1/4 liter of boiling water and is ready to use after a steeping time of 5 minutes. 2 to 3 cups per day. With woodruff you should always use a low dose rather than too high.

The plant grows between 10 and 30 cm high. Their finely branched roots do not go particularly deep, but rather form shallow extensions. These produce square, upright stems with star-shaped leaves. In May the white, aromatic flowers appear on the tips of the stems. The herb that is harvested during the flowering period is used.

Woodruff mixed into wine has a stronger effect than tea.

It makes the heart happy and heals all sorts of old age ailments.

For a relaxing sleeping pillow, mix woodruff with lavender, mint, rose petals and lemon herb.

Incense with woodruff serves as protection in rooms. An even stronger protective smoke can be obtained with ragweed and elecampane flowers.

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