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Wild garlic (Allium ursinum)

Wild garlic


cleansing, diuretic, reddening, antihypertensive, antiseptic, blood purifying

Areas of application:

Arteriosclerosis - hardening of arteries, vascular calcification, stomach and intestinal catarrh, bronchitis, iron deficiency, stomach cleansing, blood cleansing, skin diseases, worm infestation, intestinal problems, improves blood flow, prevents cardiovascular diseases

Plant parts used:

leaves and bulbs

Collection time:

leaves in April before flowering; Onions in mid-summer when the herb has died back. Care should be taken when collecting, as you should not go collecting in any rabies area. Wild garlic is often infected with the eggs of the fox tapeworm Echinococcus. The worms can lead to dangerous growths in the human liver even years later. If you want to be on the safe side, buy it at the pharmacy or grocery store.

To find:

In riparian forests and humus-rich deciduous forests up to 1500 meters.


Allicin, vitamin C, essential oil: vinyl sulfide, mercaptan, mineral salts, iron, glycosides, fructosans


Wild garlic was already used in the Middle Ages to combat vampires and bloodsuckers because of its strong smell. He drives away evil spirits.

In the kitchen, fresh wild garlic is used in salads or soups. You should not freeze it as the quality will suffer. The onion is crushed or minced and used like garlic. The onions can also be pickled in oil and preserved for the winter.

Wild garlic is more effective than garlic. This is due to thiosulfinate, which is a highly effective drug against fungi and bacteria. And wild garlic is less reflected in the breath and body odor.

It is an iron smuggler plant.

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