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Western Burning Bush (Euonymus occidentalis)




Areas of application:

Indigestion, constipation, stimulates bile flow, improves appetite, absent and irregular menstruation

Plant parts used:

Root bark, leaves

Collection time:


To find:

In western North America, on shady stream banks, in damp forests, in ravines and high in the mountains.


glycosides, alkaloids


Western Burning Bush is a deciduous shrub, or small tree, that can reach a height of 2 to 6 meters. It has slender, often climbing branches and the branches are usually square. The opposite, finely toothed leaves are 5 to 10 cm long, sometimes with a curled edge, tapering to a point and round or tapering at the base. The flowers form at the end of a long flower stalk containing 1 to 5 flowers. Each flower has five round petals speckled pink to brown and white. The flowers bloom from April to June. The fruit is a round, three-lobed capsule. Each of the three lobes opens to reveal a brown seed surrounded by red pulp.

🛑 Do not use during pregnancy as it may cause a miscarriage. Don't eat the fruit!!! All parts of the spindle bush are poisonous. The fruits in particular contain harmful glycosides and alkaloids. If consumed, this leads to vomiting and diarrhea and, if the dose is too high, it can even lead to cramps, collapse and even death.

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