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Unicorn root (Aletris farinosa)

Slightly toxic


Antispasmodic, pain relieving, narcotic, calming, anti-flatulence, anti-inflammatory, appetite stimulating, nausea-inducing

Areas of application:

Laxatives, estrogen substitutes, diarrhea, arthritis, tonic for the female reproductive organs, frequent miscarriages, female problems, menstrual cramps, menopause, vaginal dryness, skin aging, hot flashes, amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, PCOS, vaginal prolapse, other female gynecological complaints, muscle pain, joint pain, colic, flatulence , relieves stomach cramps, increases appetite, rheumatism

Plant parts used:

leaves, roots

Collection time:

root in autumn,

Leaves from May to August

To find:

In much of the eastern United States and southern Ontario. In light, open forests and on sandy and moist soils.


Bitters, steroid sponins, essential oil and resins


Unicorn root is a perennial plant and grows between 30 and 100 cm high. It has yellow-green, radiating, grass-like leaves that are 5 to 15 cm long. The leaves are smooth and firm. The parallel veins are quite pronounced with 6 to 10 veins per leaf. The radial leaves grow directly from the upper part of the growing end of the creeping rhizome. The plant spreads via underground rhizomes. The upright stem is round at the base but angular at the top. When Unicorn root is blooming, it is easy to spot. The round stem bears a spear-shaped cluster of white, small, urn-shaped flowers. The flowers have an unusual appearance due to their warty outer surface. The flowers are cylindrical, with a yellowish tint at the rough and wrinkled tip and six divisions at the tip.

🛑 The fresh root causes stomach pain. It is important to know that the herb itself can be poisonous, so it is best to follow the advice of a doctor!!! Unicorn root has narcotic and sedative properties, so you shouldn't take too much of it. One should always use it with caution and start with small doses. In high doses it can be toxic. Always dry the roots and leaves before use!!!

The plant has been used in homeopathy since 1864.

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