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Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum)



Circulation-supporting, heart-effective, aphrodisiac, immune-strengthening, antidepressant

Areas of application:

Cataracts, glaucoma, mood disorders, supports the heart and circulation

Plant parts used:

Fruits or berries

Collection time:


To find:

In many gardens, released into the wild less often.


Vitamin C, vitamin E, carotene, minerals, potassium, lycopene, tyramine, serotonin, solanine


The yellow tomatoes are considered demonic-looking love apples and were strictly forbidden to women back then.

When buying, you should definitely make sure that you are not buying a genetically modified tomato. Tomatoes come from Spain and Holland that are bred to have a very long shelf life and shelf life. Some of these tomatoes don't even come into contact with soil anymore. They grow on rock wool mats and receive their nutrients via a hose system. This makes you think three times about whether you should still buy tomatoes in the supermarket. It's still better to grow your own in the garden.

We grow tomatoes in the garden every year and therefore know that they are unsprayed and receive good nutrients. We usually still have fruit well into autumn. We put the tomatoes that no longer want to ripen on the windowsill in the house so that they can still turn red or ripen there. You should be careful if they are eaten unripe; the solanine they contain can lead to symptoms of poisoning with headaches and vomiting if larger quantities are consumed. So please only eat ripe fruits and cut out the green parts.

What many people don't know is that the pigment lycopene it contains supports the body in defending itself against carcinogenic substances when the tomato has been cooked.

In the kitchen you can eat the tomato just like that, the most popular is tomato with mozzarella and basil. In soups, sauces, as ketchup, in preserves, there are many ways you can use the tomato. Over the winter, you can cut the tomatoes open, let them dry and then marinate them in olive oil with herbs.

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