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Teasel, wild (Dipsacus sylvestris)



Sweaty, diuretic, effective on the stomach

Areas of application:

Wound healing agent, bleaching agent for freckles, Lyme disease, to cleanse the organism, to increase urination, acne, skin blemishes, eczema, abscesses, some forms of headache, gout, to cleanse the blood, osteoporosis, osteopenia, bone fractures, yeast infections, candida, jaundice, liver problems

Plant parts used:


Collection time:

Late summer of the first year

To find:

On rubble heaps, in meadows, on the edges of forests, especially near former teasel fields.


Glycosides, minerals, potassium salts, bitter substances, tannin


☕ Tea: Add 2 teaspoons of roots to 1/4 liter of cold water, bring to the boil and steep for about 10 minutes. 2 cups per day are sufficient.

The teasel is a biennial plant and grows between 90 and 240 cm tall. It has lance-shaped leaves. Each leaf is 20 to 40 cm long and 2.5 to 6 cm wide. The underside of the leaf has a row of spines along the midrib, and the stems are also covered in small spines. The plant has a biennial cycle, with leaves and stems growing in the first year and flowers forming in the second year. It has erect, hollow, pale green to reddish-green stems. The stems are hairless with longitudinal grooves and white spines. The teasel has a cylindrical inflorescence with dark pink, purple or lavender flowers at the tip of the flower stalk. The inflorescence is ovoid or cone-shaped, up to 10 cm long and 5 cm wide. When the flowers fall, the flower cylinder dries into spiny, hard bracts with small seeds that ripen in mid-autumn. The plant has a deep taproot with fibrous secondary roots that can grow up to 60 cm long and up to 2.5 cm in diameter.

🛑 Teasel root tincture should be taken with caution. You should start with one drop and slowly increase the dose. Teasel root can cause a Herx reaction in some people with Lyme disease. These side effects subside over time.

The teasel, like other thistles, has a reputation for having anti-cancer ingredients, but this has not yet been sufficiently researched.

Hildegard von Bingen: The weaver's teasel is warm and a person who has eaten or drunk poison should powder the tip of the weaver's teasel, but also the roots and leaves, and consume this powder in a meal . And whoever has rashes on his body, let him mix the powder with fat and anoint himself with it, and he will be healed.


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