Tarot Card Meanings: The Minor and Major Arcana
The 78 tarot cards in the deck are divided into two groups. We differentiate between the major and minor arcana (derived from the Latin "arkanum", translated as "mystery").
Major Arcana: These are the 22 “major” or important cards in the deck that herald profound changes. For example: The Sun, The Hanged Man or Death. If you uncover such a card, profound insights are revealed.
Minor Arcana: The Minor Arcana consists of 56 cards that reflect the four areas or elements: Wands = Fire), Swords (Air), Cups (Water) and Coins (Earth). These four elements are each given a number from 1 to 10. For example, you draw the Five of Pentacles or the Ten of Swords. The one in the tarot is - as in the deck of cards - the ace. There are also the so-called court cards for each element. Four people come into play here: Jack, Knight, King and Queen. For example, you could use the Jack of Cups.
In a typical tarot reading, you will likely draw cards from both the minor and major arcana. Only when you know the tarot card meanings can you correctly interpret connections.
Tarot Card Meanings: Major Arcana
All Tarot cards of the major arcana are numbered from 0 to 21. They have a clearly visible Roman numeral at the top. Below you will find out what meanings lie behind the cards.
0: The Fool
Carelessness, naivety and carefree love of life: that's what the fool stands for. It symbolizes youthful curiosity and carefreeness - sometimes even rashness.
Folly, mania, extravagance, intoxication, delirium, frenzy, confusion. Conversely: negligence, absence, distribution, carelessness, apathy, vanity, vanity.
That will be seen, unless there is an irresistible suggestion conveyed by the surface meaning, that what is extracted from the Trumps Major by the art of divination is, it seems to me, at the same time artificial and arbitrary in the highest degree. But the mysteries of light are of one order and those of imagination are of another order.
I: The Magician – The Magican
Transform yourself! This card can mean that dreams come true and you get what you want.
Skill, diplomacy, illness, pain, loss, catastrophe, self-confidence, the querent himself (if male). Reversed: Doctor Magus, insane, disgrace, restlessness.
II: The High Priestess
The High Priestess symbolizes mysticism, spirituality and intuition. There may be important information that is still hidden. Listen to your inner voice.
Secrets, mysteries that Future has not yet revealed, the women that interest the Querent (if male), the Querent (if male) silence, tenacity, wisdom, science. Conversely: passion moral or physical enthusiasm, conceit, surface knowledge.
III: The Empress – The Empress
Girl power! Sensuality and self-confidence: The ruler has your life under control. The card encourages you to have more confidence in yourself so that you can grow beyond yourself.
Fertility, initiative, action, long days, secret, the unknown, difficulties, doubts, ignorance, conversely: light, truth, unraveling, complicated things, public joy, even after another reading - wavering.
IV: The Emperor – The Emperor
The ruler combines dominance, power and security. In which areas would you like to take leadership?
Stability, power, help, protection, a great person, conviction, reason, vice versa: benevolence, mercy, credit, also confusion towards enemies, hindrance, immaturity.
V: The Hierophant – The Hierophant
If you pull this card in the love tarot, you have extremely good cards! The hierophant symbolizes a higher connection and is a wedding harbinger. In general, he addresses the themes of tradition, learning and trust.
Marriage covenant, captivity, bondage, mercy and goodness, inspiration, the man to whom the inquirer takes refuge. Vice versa: company, good communication, unity, over-friendliness, weakness
VI: The Lovers – The Lovers
The lovers can represent exuberant love, but it also describes bonds in general and often appears when we have to make a heartfelt decision.
Attraction, love, beauty, overcome trials. Vice versa: mistakes, foolish designs
VII: The Chariot
Now it's happening! Progress and change: The car announces drive and further development. Something suddenly starts rolling.
Assistance, providence, also war, triumph, arrogance, revenge, anger. Vice versa: turmoil, dispute, legal dispute, defeat
VIII: Justice – Strength - Strength
Karma takes care of it! Everyone receives what they deserve - and if this has not already happened, Justice announces a karmic providence. This card can also represent receiving justice.
Strength, energy, drive, courage, generosity. Vice versa: abuse of power, arbitrariness, weakness, discord
IX: The Hermit – The Hermit – The Hermit
Retreat! You need time for yourself. Listen to your Bach feeling and stay alone for a while to find your way back to yourself.
Prudence, also and especially treachery, dissimulation, corruption, villainy. Vice versa: obfuscation, disguise, politics, fear, unfounded caution.
X: The Wheel of Destiny - Wheel of Fortune
A circle closes. The wheel of fate brings the past and future into harmony. Happy coincidences are on the way.
Fate, luck, success Reversed: increase, abundance, abundance
XI – The Power – The Justice - Justice
The name of the card says it all: you realize that there is more to you. This is all about mental strength.
Equity, probity, probity, executive vice versa: justice in all departments, bigotry, excessive severity
XII: The Hanged Man - The Hanged Man
Don't worry, this card doesn't bode well. The Hanged Man encourages you to look at the situation from a different perspective. Not much changes from the outside - but if you change your perspective, you will see unexpected possible solutions.
Wisdom, trials, prudence, discernment, sacrifice, intuition, divination, prophecy. Conversely, egoism, crowd, body, politics
XIII: Death - Death
Something finally ends, something new begins. Death is not necessarily a negative card, because it heralds a very promising new beginning.
End, mortality, destruction, corruption. Reversed: indolence, sleep, lethargy, petrification, somnambulism
XIV: Temperance
There is strength in peace! Slow down and let life go with you. Temperance is one of the positive cards that promise harmony - if you can be patient.
Thrift, modesty, frugality, administration, accommodation. Conversely: attachment to churches, religions, sects, the priesthood, also unfortunate combinations, disunity, competing interests
XV: The Devil – The Devil
This card often appears in the love tarot. It symbolizes unhealthy addictions and temptations. You don't feel completely free. The devil can also represent strong jealousy or possessive behavior.
Devastation, violence, strength, vehemence, extraordinary effort, doom, that which is predestined, but not for that reason evil. Reversed: evil fate, weakness, pettiness, blindness
XVI: The Tower - The Tower
Attention! Be prepared for a sudden dramatic change. Because this is exactly what The Tower announces.
Misery, affliction, ruin, poverty, adversity, misfortune, disgrace, deception. Conversely: According to one report, the same also applies to oppression, imprisonment, tyranny to a lesser extent
XVII: The Star – The Star
Pure inspiration! Which wish would you like to fulfill? Suddenly positive opportunities arise. The star spreads hope and can give you one or two enlightenments.
Loss, theft, deprivation, abandonment, although another reading suggests hope and bright prospects for the future. Vice versa: arrogance, powerlessness, pride
XVIII: The Moon - The Moon
Uh oh – secrets! The moon represents something hidden or suppressed. Not everything is as it seems.
Hidden enemies, danger, slanderous darkness, terror, deception, error. Conversely: instability, inconstancy, silence, lesser degrees of deception and error
XIX – The Sun - The Sun
This card is the jackpot in the Tarot. The sun promises pure, genuine joy of life, confidence and happiness. Nothing can go wrong now.
Material happiness, happy marriage, contentment, vice versa: the same in a lesser sense
XX – The Court – The Last Judgment
Time to weigh up! The court asks you to take stock. Try to approach something more objectively. Now the billing is done and you can see who or what is really good for you. The court reminds you of a decision that you should no longer postpone.
Change of position, renewal, result. Vice versa: weakness, faintheartedness, simplicity, consideration, decision
XXI – The World – The World
Something is falling into place and we are finally seeing larger connections. What belongs together comes together. A positive card that marks the end of a phase of life and announces the beginning of an important new cycle.
Secured success, route, journey, emigration, escape, change of location. Vice versa: inertia, steadfastness, stagnation, permanence
Tarot Card Meaning: Minor Arcana
The Minor Arcana contains 56 cards, which are divided into four subgroups. These each have a basic meaning, which is further specified by the meaning of the individual card.
The four groupings are:
Wands: Each staff card belongs to the element Fire, which stands for drive, passion and dominance.
Swords: All sword cards are assigned to the element Air. This symbolizes knowledge, intellect and reason.
Cupies: A card from the Cup series is assigned to the element Water. This is about feelings, intuition and instinct.
Coins. The coin cards belong to the Earth element, which represents down-to-earthness, loyalty and (financial) security.
Within these elements there are ten corresponding cards (numbered from 1 to 10). In addition, as already indicated above, there are four so-called court cards (jack, knight, queen, king).
Now let's go through the Tarot card meanings of the Minor Arcana.
Tarot Card Meaning: The Wands
Ace of Wands
Success! They prevail. Your passion and creativity pays off.
A hand emerging from a cloud grasps a powerful wand or club. Divinatory meanings: creation, invention, enterprise, the forces that result from it, principle, beginning, source, birth, family, origin, beginning of enterprise, according to another representation - money, wealth, estate. Conversely: fall, decadence, downfall - clouded joy.
Two of the Wands
You need perseverance now. See things more calmly and act less stubbornly.
A tall man looks out from a battlement over the sea and coast. In his right hand he holds a globe, in his left a staff rests on the battlement, another is attached to a ring. The rose and cross and lily should also be noted on the left. Divinatory meanings: No marriage is possible between the alternative readings, on the one hand wealth, fortune, splendor. And on the other side, physical suffering, illness, grief, sadness, humiliation, a globe. It looks like the illness, the insult, the sadness of Alexander in the midst of the greatness of the wealth of this world. Reversed: surprise, wonder, enchantment, emotion, anger, fear.
Three of Wands
The base is in place. Time to move on to new goals! You have the positivity you need to tackle new things.
A stately shell figure with its back turned, looking from the edge of a cliff at ships sailing across the sea. Three stakes are planted in the ground and he leans lightly on one of them. Divinatory meanings: He symbolizes established strength, enterprise, effort, trade, discovery, commerce, these are his ships with his goods sailing across the sea. Reversed: The end of difficulties, suspension or end of adversity, disappointment and misfortune.
Four of Wands
Is there a party planned soon? In any case, there is something to celebrate. The Four of Wands heralds a peaceful time to enjoy.
Painted by the four large staves. There is a large garland in the foreground. Suspended, two female figures lift bouquets of flowers and at their side is a bridge over a ditch that leads to an old stately home. Divination Meanings: They are for once almost on the surface - country life, tranquility, concord, harmony, prosperity, peace and the perfect work of this. Conversely: The meaning remains unchanged – exaltation, bliss, beauty, beautification.
Five of Wands
It could crash now! Heat discussions or arguments are in the air. Hang in there, this phase will pass.
A large group of teenagers swing sticks as if they were playing sports or arguing. It is mimic warfare and corresponds to the divinatory meanings: imitation, for example. Mock fight, the strenuous competition and struggle of the search for riches and wealth. Therefore, some attributions say that it is a card of gold, profit, opulence. Conversely, trickery, contradiction, litigation, disputes
Six of Wands
Congratulations – victory is yours! You gain fame and prestige and have overcome all hurdles.
A rider decorated with laurel carries a staff decorated with a laurel crown, footmen with staffs stand at his side. Divination Meanings: The card has been designed to cover multiple meanings. On the surface it is a triumphant victor but it is also great news, such as the king's courier might deliver in state. It is an expectation crowned by his own desire, the crown of hope. Conversely: concern, fear - as if there were a victorious enemy at the gate, betrayal, infidelity, as if gates were being opened to the enemy.
Seven of Wands
Hold on tight! It's getting stormy. Competition could now make life difficult for them. Don't give up!
A young man on a rugged hill, swinging a staff, six more staffs are raised to him from below. Divination Meanings: It is a bravery card, because on the surface six attack one, but he has the vantage point. On the intellectual level it means discussion, verbose argument, in business – negotiations, trade war, barter, competition. It is also a success card because the fighter is on top and his enemies may not be able to reach him. Vice versa: perplexity, embarrassment, fear.
Eight of Wands
The tide is turning. And in your favor! Hang in there, good changes are just around the corner.
The card represents movement through the immobile - a battle of wands across an open land. Divinatory meanings: activity in undertakings, the path of such activity, speed like that of an express messenger, great haste, great hope, haste towards an end that promises certain happiness, that which moves, also the arrows of love. Reversed: Arrows of jealousy, inner strife, remorse, quarrels.
Nine of Wands
Why so worried? You have big doubts. Now it's important to stay brave and not get lost in your own worries.
The figure leans on his staff and has an expectant look, as if he is waiting for an enemy. Behind him eight more bars are arranged in an orderly arrangement like a palisade. Divination Meanings: The card means strength in resistance. If attacked, face the onslaught with courage. To this main meaning there are all sorts of additions, including delay, suspension, adjournment. Vice versa: obstacles, adversities, catastrophes.
Ten of Wands
Something is weighing heavily on you. Is the fight worth it? This is the question you should ask yourself when you draw the Ten of Wands.
A man oppressed by the weight of the 10 of the bars he carries. Divination Meanings: Now some readings cannot be harmonized. I leave aside what it associates with honor and loyalty and faith. It's just oppression, but it's also luck, profit, any kind of success of those things. It is also a card of false appearances, of disguise, of perfidy. The place the figure approaches may suffer from the poles he carries. Success will be paralyzed if the 9 of Wands follows, and if it is a legal dispute – there will be a certain loss. Conversely, contradictions, difficulties, intrigues and their analogies.
Staves: Court Cards
Jack of Wands
Stormy, adventurous and cocky – the Jack of Wands has a lot of energy, but doesn't really know how to use it yet.
In a similar scene to the knight, a young man stands in the act of proclamation. He is unknown but faithful and his messages are strange. Divination Meaning: A young man, he will bear a positive testimony about him. He is a dangerous rival if the Cup side follows him. Has the main qualities of his suit. Vice versa: anecdotes, announcements, bad news. Also, indecision and the instability that usually comes with it
Knight of Wands
Let's fight! The Knight of Wands symbolizes courage and determination and can sometimes act a bit hot-headed.
He is shown on a journey/hike, armed with a short wand and although he is armored, he is not on a warlike mission. He passes hills or pyramids. Divination meanings: Departure, absence, escape, emigration, a dark young man, friendly, change of residence. Vice versa: rupture, division, interruption, discord.
The Queen of Wands
Passion, self-confidence and feminine warmth – this is what the Queen of Wands unites.
In this suit the bars are always in leaves as it is a suit of life and animation. Emotionally and otherwise, the queen's personality is similar to the king's, but more magnetic. Divination Meanings: A dark woman or country woman, kind, chaste, loving, honorable. If the card next to her shows a man, she is well disposed towards him, if a woman, she is interested in the querent. Also love of money. Conversely: Good, thrifty, courteous, useful, also preys on resistance, jealousy, deceit and infidelity.
The King of Wands
If you pull the King of Wands, it's about dominance, assertiveness and respect.
The physical and emotional nature to which this card is attributed is dark, fiery, supple, lively, passionate, noble. He raises a flowered staff and, like his three counterparts in the remaining suits, wears a so-called sustaining cap under his crown. He associates himself with the symbol of the lion emblazoned on the back of his throne. Divination Meanings: Dark man, kind, countryman, generally married, honest and conscientious. Vice versa: Good but strict, strict but tolerant.
Tarot Card Meaning: The Swords
The Ace of Swords
You know what you want! You have absolute clarity about what you need now and respond astutely and intelligently.
A hand comes out of a cloud, grasping a sword, the tip of which is surrounded by a crown. Divination meanings: Triumph, the Excessive, Degree in Everything, Conquest, Triumph of Torce. A card of great power, both in love and hate. Conversely: the same meanings, but the results are disastrous: another report says conception, birth, augmentation, multiplicity.
The Two of Swords
Should I or shouldn't I? You find yourself in a decision-making situation and feel paralyzed. Wait and see!
A deceived figure balances two swords on her shoulders. Divinatory meanings: Conformity and the balance it suggests, courage friendship, affection, unity in arms, intimacy. Vice versa: fraud, falsehood, duplicity, infidelity.
The Three of Swords
The classic lovesickness card. A great heartache is (still) plaguing you. Be kind to yourself.
Three swords that pierce a heart could and rain afterwards. Divinatory meanings: Distance, absence, delay, division, rupture, dispersion and anything that the design naturally means. Vice versa: mental alienation, error, loss, distraction, disorder, confusion.
The Four of Swords
Now nothing works - and that's a good thing! You should use the standstill to realize what you really want.
The portrait of a knight in the posture of prayer, full length on his grave. Divination meanings: vigilance, retreat, loneliness, hermit's rest, banishment, grave and coffin. Vice versa: wise administration, prudence, thrift, stinginess, precaution, will.
The Five of Swords
Treason! They detect an ambush. Someone has disappointed or disappointed them.
A contemptuous man cares for two withdrawn and dejected figures. Her two swords are on the ground. He carries two more on his left shoulder and a third sword is in his right hand, which points towards the earth. He is the master in possession of the field. Divination Meanings: Humiliation, Destruction, Reversal, Shame, Loss. Vice versa: the same – funeral and memorial service.
Six of Swords
…and suddenly everything was different! The Six of Swords presents you with an uncertain future - involuntarily. Believe in yourself!
A ferryman who carries passengers in his boat to the other bank. Divination meanings: travel on water, path, envoy, representative, expedient. Vice versa: declaration, confession, publicity. One report says that it is a love proposal.
Seven of Swords
Someone is sabotaging you or you are sabotaging someone - maybe even your own happiness?
A man is about to quickly carry away five swords, the other two on the card remain stuck in the ground. A warehouse within reach. Divination meanings: design, attempt, wish, hope, confidence - also dispute. A plan that can fail, trouble. Vice versa: good advice, instruction, slander, gossip.
Eight of Swords
Get out of the golden cage! You feel safe, but are inhibited. Don't hedge yourself in. Sometimes it's worth taking a risk.
A woman bound and hooded with the swords of the card around her. Divination meanings: Bad news, intense grief, crisis, censure, power in chains, conflict, slander - also illness. Conversely: restlessness, difficulty, resistance, accident, betrayal, the unforeseen, death.
Nine of Swords
Something is giving you sleepless nights. They see the end coming and feel helpless. Don't let your worries get the best of you.
One sits mournfully on her couch, her swords above her. Divining Meanings: Death, Failure, Miscarriage, Delay, Deception, Disappointment, Despair, Reversed: Imprisonment, Doubt, Suspicion, Reasonable Fear, Shame.
Ten of Swords
The end has come. The typical break-up card in the Tarot. But: A blooming new beginning awaits them, after which they had to experience a painful break.
A figure lying on the ground pierced by all the swords belonging to the card. Divination Meanings: Whatever is suggested by the design - including pain, distress, tears, sadness, despair. Reversed: Advantage, profit, success, favor but none of these are permanent. Also power and authority.
Swords: Court Cards
Knave of Swords
Inexperienced but provocative: The Knave of Swords loves challenges. But can he survive?
A lithe, active figure holds a sword upright in both hands as she is about to walk quickly. Divination Meanings: Authority, intelligence surveillance, vigilance, espionage, investigations and associated qualities. Conversely: Another evil side of these characteristics, the unforeseen, an unprepared state, illness is also hinted at.
Knight of Swords
An unwavering look forward – that's what the dogged Knight of Swords is all about.
In full short, as if they were scattered, calls out to his enemies. Divination Meanings: Ability, Bravery, Capacity, Defense, Address, Enmity, War, Destruction, Resistance, Ruin. Vice versa: imprudence, incompetence, extravagance.
Queen of Swords
Draw the Queen of Swords, it deals with the themes of reason, justice and analysis.
Her right hand raises the weapon vertically and the handle rests on an armrest of her chair. The left hand is outstretched, the arm raised, her facial expression is sternly chastised, suggesting familiarity with sadness. Divination meanings: widowhood, female sadness and embarrassment, absence, infertility, grief, deprivation, separation. Conversely, malice, bigotry, cunning, prudery, deceit
King of Swords
The King of Swords always has good arguments ready and knows exactly how to prevail. He thinks sharply and logically.
He sits in judgment, holding fast the uncovered mark of his suit. Divinatory Meanings: Whatever arises from the idea of judgment and all its connections - power, command, authority, militant intelligence, law, offices of the crown, and so on. Vice versa: cruelty, evil intentions, perversity, barbarism, breach of faith
Tarot Card Meaning: The Cups
Ace of Cups
Deep connection, happiness and love – that's what the Ace of Cups stands for.
The waters are underneath with water lilies on them. The hand comes out of the cloud, holding in its palm the chalice from which four streams flow. A dove carrying a host marked with a cross in its beak descends to place the host in the cup - the water dew falls from all sides. It is a hint of what might lie beyond the Minor Arcana. Divination Meanings: True Heart, Joy, Contentment, Dwelling, Food, Abundance, Fertility, Sacred Table, Bliss, Reversed: False Heart, Mutation, Instability, Revolution
Two of the Cups
One of the most auspicious love cards in the Tarot! The Two of Cups represents deep love or great friendship.
A young man and a girl promise each other. The caduceus of Hermes rises above their cups, with a lion's head between its large wings. Divination meanings: love, passion, friendship, affinity, union, unity, sexual relationships. That which nature has sanctified. Vice versa: false love, folly, misunderstanding.
Three of Cups
Rejoice! With the Three of Cups you have every reason to do so. You will receive good news.
Girls in a garden celebrate with raised cups as if they were pawning each other. Divination Meanings: The conclusion of a matter. Lots of perfection, joy, happiness, victory, fulfillment, comfort, healing. Vice versa: expedition, dispatch, lifting, end.
Four of Cups
Don't let an opportunity pass you by. Don't hold too tightly to the here and now - otherwise you'll miss out on promising opportunities!
A young man sits under a tree and looks at three goblets that are standing in the grass in front of him. He expresses dissatisfaction with his surroundings. An arm emerging from a cloud offers him another cup. Divinatory meanings: tiredness, disgust, aversion, imaginary annoyance - as if the wine of this world had only caused satiety. Now he is offered another cup of wine like a fairy gift, but he sees no comfort in it. This is also a card of mixed pleasure. Reversed: novelty, omens, new instructions, new relationships.
Five of Cups
A loss hurts you. After this melancholic phase, better times will come again!
A dark, cloaked figure looks at three vulnerable chalices, two other chalices standing upright behind him. There is a bridge in the background. Divination meanings: it is a loss card but something remains, three have been taken but two are left. It is a map of inheritance, transmission and wealth. It may be a wedding card, but not without bitterness or frustration. Reversed: New, Alliances, Affinity, Lineage, Return, Wrong Projects
Six of Cups
Happy and carefree like you were when you were a child – that is the energy of the Six of Cups. Attention: In the love tarot, this card also represents nostalgia. The return of a former lover is imminent.
Children in an old garden, their cups filled with flowers. Divination Meanings: A Map of Stories and the Past. For example, children reflect happiness, joy, but rather things from the past that have disappeared. Another reading reverses this and suggests new relationships, a new environment and new knowledge. Conversely: renewal of the future, what will happen now.
Seven of Cups
You have options. And dreams. There are many possibilities - but also many opportunities for self-deception. Beware of illusions.
Strange Cups of Vision, Divining Meanings: Fairy Favors, Images of Reflection, Imagination, Feeling. Things seen in the glass of contemplation, some achievements in these degrees, but nothing permanent or substantial is suggested. Vice versa: will, determination, project.
Eight of Cups
Off into the unknown! Something in your life is fundamentally changing.
A man with a dejected appearance leaves the cup of that bliss, undertaking, or former concern. Divination Meanings: The card superficially speaks for itself, but other readings are completely opposite - giving joy, gentleness, shyness, honor, modesty. Vice versa: Great joy, happiness, feasting.
Nine of Cups
"I'm happy the way it is now!" This motto represents the Nine of Cups. However, sometimes this satisfaction can turn into pride or complacency.
The good personality feasts to his heart's content and there is plenty of refreshment with wine on the arched counter behind him. Divinatory meanings: unity, contentment, physical bien-etre, also victory, success, advantage, satisfaction for the querent or the person for whom the advice is given. Vice versa: truth, loyalty, freedom. But readings vary and include errors, imperfection and so on.
Ten of Cups
One of the luckiest cards in the Tarot. Everything falls into place, everything is right, everything fits.
Appearance of bowls in a rainbow, it is viewed with wonder and ecstasy by a man and a woman below, obviously husband and wife. His right arm is around her, his left is raised upwards as she raises her right arm. The two children dancing next to them have not observed the prodigy, but are happy in their own way. Behind it is a home scene. Divination meanings: contentment, calmness of the whole heart - the perfection of this state, with several court cards a person who looks after the interests of the querent. Also the same city, village or country inhabited by the Querent. Conversely: calm of the false heart, indignation, violence.
Cupes: Court Cards
Jack of Cups
Dreamy and insecure – this is the Jack of Cups. He doesn't necessarily dare to admit his feelings. The card also symbolizes inexperience in relationships or bonds that are just beginning.
A beautiful, pleasant, somewhat effeminate boy of hard-working and thoughtful appearance looks at a fish that rises from a cup to look at him. Divination meanings: Handsome young man, driven to service and with whom the questioner will be connected, a hard-working youth, news, messages, application, reflection, meditation - also these things that are aimed at business. Vice versa: taste, inclination, attraction, seduction, deception, cunning.
Knight of Cups
If you don't fight for love, then what?! This could be the motto of the Knight of Cups. If you draw this card, a confession of love may be waiting for you. Or you can choose to fight for what you love.
Graceful, not warlike, riding, quietly wearing a winged helmet, alluding to the higher graces of the imagination that sometimes characterize this card. Divinatory meanings: arrival, approach, - sometimes that of a messenger, advance, suggestion, behavior, invitation, demand. Reversed: trickery, artifice, subtlety, fraud, duplicity, deceit.
Queen of Cups
The Queen of Cups appears gentle, loving and emotional. A powerful woman who doesn't always have her emotions under control. Don't let yourself be taken advantage of!
Beautiful, dreamy woman (like one who sees visions in the chalice). Divination Meanings: Good, beautiful woman, honest, devoted, who will serve the querent. Loving intelligence and therefore the gift of vision, success, happiness and joy. Also wisdom, virtue, vice versa: the accounts vary: good woman, otherwise, distinguished woman but one who cannot be trusted, perverted woman, vice, dishonor, transience.
King of Cups
Feelings are more important than money or power: this is what the King of Cups embodies. If you draw this card in the love tarot, you are dealing with a very emotional person who is sometimes a bit sensitive.
He holds a short scepter in his left hand and a large chalice in his right, his throne stands on the sea, on one side a ship sails and on the other a dolphin jumps. The implication is that the cup sign of course refers to water, which appears on all court cards. Divination Meanings: Righteous man, man of business, law or divinity, responsible, willing to obey the querent. Also justice, art and science, including those who profess science, law and art, creative intelligence. Reversed: dishonest, double, villainy, demand, injustice, vice, scandal.
Tarot Card Meaning: The Pentacles
Ace of Pentacles
No one can take your success away from you. The Ace of Pentacles can also represent financial security and material well-being.
A hand – coming out of a cloud as usual – holds up a pentagram. Divination meanings: Complete contentment, bliss, ecstasy – also quick intelligence, gold. Reversed: The evil side of wealth, poor intelligence. Great riches too.
Two of the coins
You experience ups and downs, pros and cons. When it comes to questions about love, this card often means that you have two options and are reluctant to give up on either.
A young man with nude, Dancing has a pentagram in each hand, around this endless string, which is like the reverse number eight, connects them. Divination Meanings: It is depicted as a card of happiness, recovery and their connection, which is the subject of the design. But it is also read as news and written communications, such as obstacles, excitement, anger, complications. Vice versa: forced happiness, simulated enjoyment, literal meaning, handwriting, composition, exchange letters.
Three of Pentacles
Be proud of yourself! Your achievement is finally recognized.
A sculptor at work in a monastery. Divination Meanings: Trade, Skilled Worker, However, usually viewed as a card of nobility, aristocracy, prestige, fame. Conversely: mediocrity in work and otherwise. Childishness, pettiness, weakness.
Four of Coins
Trust is good, control is better. The desire for security is extremely strong. You can't let go!
A crowned figure, with a pentagram above his crow, clutches another with his hands and arm, two coins are under his feet. Divination meanings: The security of possession, holding on to what you have. Gifts, legacy, heritage. Vice versa: suspense, delay, opposition.
Five of Pentacles
Do you currently feel alone or left behind? This mood is reflected by the Five of Pentacles. Look forward, even a sad phase will pass.
Two beggars in a snowstorm walk past a lit casement window. Divinatory Meanings: It primarily foretells material difficulties, whether in the form of illustrated, i.e. misery, or otherwise. For some card legend, it is a card of love and lovers - wife, husband, friend, lover - also concordance, affinities. These alternatives cannot be harmonized. Vice versa: disorder, chaos, ruin, discord, waste.
Six of Pentacles
You want to give. This card is about helpfulness and kindness. Be careful, don't let yourself be taken advantage of!
Someone in the form of a merchant weighs money on a scale and distributes it to those in need. Divination meanings: gift, satisfaction. Another account says attention, vigilance, now the accepted time is present prosperity, etc. Vice versa: desire, desire, envy, jealousy, illusion.
Seven of Pentacles
Yes, the phase is tough. But the effort is worth it! The Seven of Pentacles reminds you of your perseverance. Decide carefully and work slowly and steadily to reach your goal.
A young man leaning on his staff looks intently at seven pentagrams attached to a green tuft to his right. One would say that these were his treasures and that his heart was there. Divination meanings: These are extremely contradictory, in the main it is a money card a deal, barter - but one reading gives strife, and another innocence, ingenuity, purification, fear of money
Eight of Pentacles
You are currently being set up and are showing a lot of ambition and hard work. You are on the right path.
A stone artist at work. Divinatory meanings: work, employment, commission, craftsmanship, manual and commercial skills. Vice versa: lost ambition, vanity, greed, entitlement.
Nine of Pentacles
The lottery win in the Tarot: The Nine of Pentacles symbolizes sudden lucky turns.
A woman with a bird on her wrist stands among a great abundance of vines in the garden of a large house. Divination Meanings: Prudence, Security, Success, Achievement, Certainty, Judgment. Reversed: villainy, deception, invalid project, bad faith.
Ten of Pentacles
You have everything! Financial security and a (steady) real love. What more could you want?
A man and a woman under an archway that gives access to a house and a domain. Divination meanings: Profit, wealth, family affairs, archives, exploitation, residence of a family. Vice versa: coincidence, death, loss, robbery, risk, sometimes gift, dowry, pension
Coins: Court Cards
Jack of Pentacles
The Jack of Pentacles is eager and ambitious. When it comes to money matters, he sometimes tends to set the wrong priorities. This card can mean yourself or someone else.
A youthful figure concentrating on the pentagram hovering above his raised hands. Divination meanings: application, study, scholarship, reflection. Another reading says news, messages and their bearers - also rule, management, vice versa: waste, liberality, luxury, unfavorable novelty.
Knight of Coins
A persistent person who plans ahead and is willing to give everything for his own goal.
He rides a slow, enduring, heavy horse that corresponds to his own aspect. Divination meanings: usefulness, usability, interest, sincerity, responsibility, vice versa: indolence, idleness, calmness of this kind, stagnation - also discouragement, carelessness
Queen of Coins
Rational, clever, reliable, but also good-natured: The Queen of Pentacles always acts sensibly and keeps emotions to herself.
The face is reminiscent of a dark woman whose qualities could be summarized in the idea of greatness of soul. She also has the serious cast of intelligence – contemplating her symbol and my worlds within it. Divination Meanings: Opulence, Generosity, Security, Magnificence, Freedom. Vice versa: evil, fear, suspicion, tension, mistrust.
King of Coins
The King of Pentacles describes a solid and successful person who is good with money and keeps promises.
The figure requires a special description. The face is rather dark, which also suggests courage, but has a somewhat lethargic tendency. The bull's head should be mentioned as a recurring symbol on his throne. The symbol of this suit is represented throughout as an engraved or blazoned pentagram, symbolizing the correspondence of the four elements in human nature and that they can be governed. Divination Meanings: Bravery, realization of intelligence, business acumen and normal intellectual aptitude, sometimes mathematical aptitudes and achievements of this kind - success in these paths. Vice versa, vice, weakness, ugliness, perversity, corruption, danger.
The Art of Tarot Divination
It is believed to represent people with light brown hair and weak skin color. Wands represent those who have yellow or red hair and blue eyes, swords correspond to people with dark brown hair and possibly gray, hazel or even blue eyes, coins appeal to very dark people. The procedure is as follows. Select the significator of the person or thing about which the request is made. It is the card that is most representative in the judgment or experience of the reader and is therefore not necessarily the magician or high priestess mentioned in the official meanings of divination. Place the significator in the middle. Have the reader and questioner shuffle and cut the rest of the deck three times each.
Reveal the first card. Cover the significator with it and say “This covers it”
Reveal the second card. Place it horizontally across him and say "This represents his obstacles.
Third card - “This crowns him” (a) the best he can achieve, (b) his ideal in the matter, (c) what he wants to make his own, (i.e ) but it is not currently his own.
Fourth card - “This is beneath him”, it is his own - what he can work with and what he can use.
Fifth card – That is beneath him” It is the current that he passes, and it may be the past of the thing.
Sixth card - “That is in front of him” It is the current that comes into action and will work in the concrete matter.
Seventh card – describes yourself, your attitude and relationship to the matter
Eighth card – means his house, his environment, in the matter – the influence of people and events over him.
Ninth card – denotes his hopes and fears
Tenth Card – represents what is to come. On this card you concentrate your intuitive powers, your experience and your memory in relation to the official prophetic meanings associated with it. It should contain everything that they have guessed from the other cards on the table, including the significator itself and in relation to him or it, not excluding such lights of higher meaning which might fall like sparks from heaven when the card that for which the oracle is used, the card for reading should happen to be a trump.
The Significator
Selecting the significator is sometimes not so easy, especially for beginners the question arises, which card should I use? Here are a few examples for you.
The ruler: can be used as a questioner in a survey.
The ruler: therefore represents the questioner
The sun: a couple
The lovers: lovers - love, partnership
Hermit: Work
The Hierophant: School, training, courses, seminars
The Devil: Material and Finance
The moon: apartment, house, domestic environment
Justice: Controversy
The Hanged Man: Hospital, Prison, Health
The court: legal matters, lawyer
The world: activities, travel, tourism industry, politics, business world
The fool: For unclear questions and other things
I hope that the overview can provide you with some support when laying the tarot, or if you don't know what to do next.