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Tansy (Tanacetum vulgare)

Slightly Toxic



worm driving, digestive, menstruation stimulating, appetite stimulating, pain relieving

Areas of application:

Weak stomach, gout and rheumatism, nerve problems, worms, dizzy spells, hysteria, fever attacks, bladder stones, bad breath, varicose veins, tumors, dislocations, lice

Plant parts used:


Collection time:

in summer, before flowering

To find:

Often grows in moist meadows, near hedges, on forest edges, on rubble sites or near streams.


Bitter substances, essential oils with thujone, enolin, alkaloids, resins, glycoside, vitamins


☕ 1 teaspoon of herb is poured with 1/4 liter of boiling water and left to steep for about 5 minutes. Drink warm and in sips. 1 cup spread throughout the day.

Tansy is a perennial plant and can reach a height of 30 to 60 cm. It is vigorous and its rhizome can root up to 90 cm into the ground. The stem is rigidly erect, angular, glabrous and slightly hairy. It is only branched in the upper area. The alternate leaves are stalked below and the upper ones are sessile. The dark green leaves are ovate and pinnate in outline with pointed and incised serrated sections. There are small tooth-shaped lobes on the leaf spindle between the leaflets. The entire inflorescence is umbel-shaped, where there are numerous cup-shaped partial inflorescences arranged relatively densely. The flower heads contain around 100 bright yellow tubular flowers. Flowering time is from June to September.

🛑 The plant is poisonous and therefore not suitable for self-use!!!

Tansy comes in different species and is difficult to distinguish from one another. Some of them have higher tujone content than others. Therefore use only under the supervision of a doctor! Do not use for internal inflammation.

Tansy contains insect repellent ingredients. Its leaves and flowers are strongly scented and thus exude the active ingredients.

At Incense tansy flowers are used to smoke out evil or a witch.

Hildegard von Bingen: If you have a cold, eat tansy Soups or cakes. He suppresses the juices so that they don't take over. But whoever has a dry cough, let him prepare soups of fine flour and tansy and eat them often. And whoever cannot urinate because he is oppressed by a stone, let him crush tansy and make juice out of it and drink it in wine.

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