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Spruce (Picea abies)



blood circulation, cough suppressant, expectorant, anti-inflammatory, skin irritant, purifying

Areas of application:

for blood purification, coughing, stuck mucus in the lungs, disinfects and cleanses the bronchi, inflammation in the throat, purulent respiratory diseases, circulatory disorders, rheumatic diseases, varicose veins, for nerve strengthening, neuralgia, headaches

Plant parts used:

young shoots, drops of resin

Collection time:

April, May

To find:

Warning: under no circumstances collect in spruce crops or forests in the lowlands, even if the forester gives his consent. In the Monocultures are often sprayed and treated with growth agents. This causes damage to humans and animals; genetic damage to forest animals has already been reported.

In mountain forests up to 2000 meters or in mixed forests.


Turpentine oil (resin), essential oils, pinene, picein, limonene, phellandrene, cadinene, vitamin C, tannins, formic acid, sugar


☕ Tea: Boil 1 teaspoon of fresh sprouts with 1/4 liter of water, strain and drink 3 to 4 cups daily. Is a cold remedy and blood purification treatment, especially for kidney and bladder infections.

🛑 If you have asthma or a spasmodic cough (like whooping cough), the cramps can be intensified because the essential oil stimulates the secretion almost too strongly for these diseases on.

Spruce branches in the living room clean the air.

Smoking with spruce resin or small chips is traditional.


Hildegard von Bingen: If the plague plagues and kills the cattle, lay out fresh spruce branches so that they can absorb their scent or lead the animals under the trees, then they will begin to cough and throw out their bad substances.

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