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Rugosa Rose (Rosa rugosa)


mildly laxative, reduces fever, stimulates circulation

Areas of application:

poorly healing wounds, promotes the immune system, fever, general weakness, inflammation in the mouth and throat, diuretic, rheumatism, gout, dry, inflamed and allergic skin, affects the spleen and liver, promotes circulation, loss of appetite, digestive disorders, menstrual problems, cough

Parts of the plant used:

petals, seeds, leaves, roots

Collection time:

June to September

Where to find:

Comes from Eastern Europe and Asia. On beaches, dunes and along roads for greening.


Vitamin C, minerals, flavonoids, tannins


The Rugosa Rose grows as a summer green shrub that reaches heights of around 1.50 meters. It often spreads like a lawn through underground runners. The Rugosa Rose has short, strong spines. The alternately arranged leaves are 8 to 15 centimeters long and odd-pinnate with five to nine leaflets. With their wrinkled surface, the leaves are reminiscent of potato leaves. The flowering period is from June to September. The slightly fragrant flowers have a diameter of 6 to 8 centimeters. The five free petals are dark pink to white. Their relatively large rose hips, which are up to 2 centimeters thick, turn brick red when ripe. (Wikipedia)

🛑 Directly under the pulp there is a layer of hair around the seeds. These hairs can cause irritation in the mouth and digestive tract if swallowed.

As a symbol of love, the Rugosa Rose is associated with many legends and myths. As one of the traditional incense plants for love spells, it promotes harmonious relationships and opens people up to reconciliation and understanding.

There are numerous products that contain rose extracts in the form of oil, honey, ointment or water.

In the kitchen, you can make a delicious syrup from the petals; they are also an edible decoration for sweet and savory dishes and flavor liqueurs, desserts, vinegar, oils and spirits. The fruits can be made into jam, jelly, desserts, liqueurs and tea. They are also suitable as a spring cure.

Dried, the petals can be found in smoke and snuff mixtures.

The pulp of the potato rose hips is more productive than that of the smaller dog rose hips. It produces jam, which in Germany is also known regionally as "Hägenmark", "Hiefenmus" or "Hetschepetsche".

The remaining fruit peels and seeds are dried and brewed into an aromatic tea, which is also known regionally as "Buttetee" or "Kernlestee".

Because the Rugosa Rose is now considered an invasive neophyte due to its spreading behavior, its planting is viewed critically for reasons of species and biotope protection, at least in landscape types such as dunes and coastal heaths.

As one of the Bach flowers, "Wild Rose" helps people who are powerless and aimless to find new zest for life and adventure.

The rose oil is valued in aromatherapy, as well as in cosmetics.

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