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Rose madder (Rubia tinctorum)

rose madder


coloring, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, diuretic

Areas of application:

Urinary stones, prostate problems, kidney and bladder stones

Plant parts used:

the roots of 3 year old plants

Collection time:


To find:

Rarely found near former cultivation areas, or open bush areas.


Dyes Alicarin, Pseudopurpurin, Lucidin


Rose madder is one of the oldest dye plants and produces a red color. To dye, soak the powdered root in plenty of cold water. The result is a color slurry that is filled with lukewarm water, depending on the amount required. To dye, you heat stained wool or silk to a maximum of 65 degrees for 1 hour. If the liquid gets hotter, it tends to contain brown tones. Then let the dyed yarn or silk dry before rinsing.

The active ingredients Lucidin and Rubiadin contained in animal experiments have been suspected of altering the genetic material and being carcinogenic. Many medicines have been withdrawn from the market.

Hildegard von Bingen: If you have a fever and are reluctant to eat, boil madder in water and drink this water warm in the morning and evening. But let him put the warm herb on his stomach, and the fever will subside after three days.

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