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Remedy for flu - Hildegard von Bingen

We assume no liability for Hildegard's listed recipes. Please ask your doctor or pharmacist if you have any serious or unclear symptoms.

Remedy for flu - Hildegard von Bingen

The pellargonium mixed powder

“If you have a cold, hold this powder to your nose and just breathe in the scent of it...and the cold will go away and go away.” If you have a cold, simply put some flu powder on an odor-free surface and smell it often.

Warm wine

"...and whoever suffers in the chest or whoever suffers in the throat...drink this powder in warm wine..." Warm wine with flu powder helps quickly and effectively with general flu conditions.

Flu powder

“...If you have a headache, eat this powder with light salt on bread...” If you have a flu headache, eat some flu powder with salt on bread; it helps immediately. “Whoever is plagued with pain in the heart, eat this powder with bread or by licking it from the hand.” Use for flu heart pain!

Various flu remedies from the Hildegard pharmacy

The horehound-mullein mixed herbs

“Take fennel and dill of equal weight, add a third of horehound and cook with wine. Strain it through a fine cloth, drink it and the cough will go away." 2 tbsp. Boil flu herbs in ½ l of wine for 5 minutes and drink warm throughout the day.

The fir wood

“...If the snot flows profusely from the nose, one should inhale the smoke of fir wood through the nose and the snot will loosen more easily and subside...”

The wormwood oil

“And let the juice of wormwood also be poured into olive oil... and if any man suffers pain in the breast and coughs as a result, let him be anointed with it...”

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