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Pepper steak

For 4 people, duration: around 20 minutes



4 well-seasoned beef fillet steaks (200 g each)

1 tablespoon each black and white peppercorns

4 allspice seeds

2 tablespoons germ oil


4 cl cognac

20g butter

1/4 liter of cream


Roughly chop the pepper and allspice seeds in a mortar or with the wide back of a kitchen knife. Then sprinkle the pepper mixture onto a board, place the steaks on top and press the mixture firmly with your hand. Turn over and also pepper the second side.

Heat the oil in a pan, add the steaks to the hot fat and fry over the highest heat for 1 minute. Then reduce the heat and fry the meat slices for 2 to 4 minutes per side, depending on whether you want the steak to be pink, red or well done. Sprinkle the pepper steaks with salt, remove them from the pan and wrap them in aluminum foil.

Pour off the frying fat, increase the temperature again and deglaze the drippings with cognac. Put the butter in the pan and pour in the cream while stirring. Allow the sauce to simmer over high heat until thick and season to taste with salt.

Arrange the pepper steaks on a platter. Mix the resulting meat juice into the sauce and coat the steaks with it. Roasted potatoes, potato croquettes or French fries go well with this.

The pepper steak can also be prepared well on the grill.

Bon appetit.

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