gentle on the stomach, gentle on the intestines, effective on the kidneys, diuretic, lowers cholesterol, wound healing
Areas of application:
Stomach and intestinal diseases, liver, kidney and bladder diseases, convalescence as a healing food, promotes bone strength and blood formation, lowers cholesterol levels, nervous weakness, exhaustion, insomnia, mental, emotional and physical exhaustion, lowering uric acid levels, heart - and circulatory remedies, rheumatism, lumbago, gout, skin diseases, metabolic disorders, gynecological diseases, neurodermatitis
Plant parts used:
Fruits, green stalks
Collection time:
Spring to autumn
To find:
Arable plant
Protein, phytosterols, silicic acid, linoleic acid, polysaccharides, steroids, flavonoids, fatty oil, vitamins of the B group, minerals
☕ Tea: 2 teaspoons of dried oats are poured with 1/4 liter of boiling water, left to steep for 15 minutes and strained. You drink 3 cups a day over a period of several weeks.
Oat flakes are suitable for preparing light foods and diet foods. Oats contain more silica than any other grass and are rich in B vitamins, amino acids and minerals.
Oat flour or crushed oat flakes are the best base for beauty masks. Depending on your skin type, mix honey or oil (for dry skin), egg whites (for oily skin), berries (for firming), milk (for nutrition) or herbal teas with the oats until you get a spreadable paste that can be applied to your face for at least 1 day /2 hour should act.
For a full bath, boil 3 handfuls of oat straw in 3 liters of water for about 15 minutes and add the strained liquid to the bath water. The oat straw bath is recommended for rheumatism, lumbago and gout. Likewise with skin diseases such as neurodermatitis, exhaustion, metabolic disorders and gynecological problems.
Hildegard von Bingen: Oats are a happy, healthy food; they make you happy and have a clear mind. But for those who are very cold and sick, it is not digestible because oats always seek warmth.