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Nasturtium (Tropaeolum majus)



appetite stimulating, wound healing, disinfectant, anti-inflammatory, blood circulation in the skin

Areas of application:

Infections of the respiratory tract, sinus infections, angina, tonsillitis, bronchitis, colds, all inflammatory diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract, cough, regenerates stomach and intestinal mucosa, dissolves mucus and has a strengthening effect in older people, wounds, supports skin functions, tissue renews itself faster, hair loss, regulates menstrual bleeding

Plant parts used:

Leaves and flowers

Collection time:


To find:

Garden plant, hardly possible to be released into the wild, only in completely protected locations.


Natural penicillin (mustard oils), glycosides, sulfur, benzyl mustard oil, vitamin C, clover acid, enzymes, myrosin, essential oil


The name comes from the monastic order of the Capuchins, who distributed this plant, whose homeland was originally Peru, as a protective agent and amulet against livestock epidemics and witchcraft.

Nasturtium was used as an aphrodisiac, the reason being that after drinking nasturtium you can tolerate significantly less alcohol than usual and lose inhibitions more quickly. What does that tell us? No alcohol with certain herbs!

🛑 Excessive quantities of nasturtium pressed juice can cause stomach irritation. It is better not to use it for ulcers in the stomach and intestines until the disease has healed.

In all parts of the plant there is a substance that, like an antibiotic, prevents bacteria from multiplying. A natural antibiotic has the advantage over those made from fungi in that it does not destroy the natural intestinal flora. Nasturtium is a penicillin substitute.

A combination of nasturtium and horseradish can cope with almost all infections and can be just as good as a classic antibiotic treatment (but without side effects). The mustard oils contained in the plant are responsible for this and the release of these oils protects the plants from predators. The mustard oils are not only effective against bacteria, but also against viruses and fungi. This was impressively proven in a study. You can get combination preparations in pharmacies or make them yourself from the powdered plants.

Using tea doesn't make sense, you make juice from the leaves, it has a disinfecting effect.

Nasturtium is a useful companion plant as it attracts hoverflies, which prey on aphids on neighboring plants.

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