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Moon carrot (Seseli libanotis syn. Libanotis montana)

moon carrot


Sweat-inducing, anti-flatulence, kidney-strengthening, blood-purifying

Areas of application:

stimulates the metabolism, helps against inflammatory processes in the body, speech disorders, dissolves mucus in the chest, is first aid for epileptic seizures, coughs, flatulence, helps the kidneys to excrete unnecessary metabolic products, cleans the urinary ducts and bladder, normalizes menstrual bleeding, relieves toothache, Ulcers, genital warts, wounds, fractures, jaundice, liver diseases, preventive against infectious diseases, purifies the blood, reduces skin rashes, uterine cramps, shortness of breath, chronic cough, abdominal pain, visceral disorders, recurrent fever

Plant parts used:

Root, herb, seed

Collection time:

Autumn and spring

To find:

Grows in the southern mountainous regions on heat-retaining rocks.


Sulfur, saponins, unless otherwise known


The leaves of the Moon carrot are fennel-like, but slightly firmer and darker green.

The root smells somewhat like incense.

🛑 Attention!!! Determine exactly so that there is no confusion with other poisonous umbelliferous plants!!!

moon carrot

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