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Lovage / Maggi herb (Levisticum officinalis)

Lovage / Maggi herb


Hormone-boosting, diuretic, sputum-promoting, stool-promoting, stomach-strengthening, appetite-stimulating

Areas of application:

Urinary tract infections, kidney stones, abdominal pain, headaches, strengthens the abdominal organs, cleanses the internal organs such as the bladder, uterus, kidneys, spleen, liver, stomach and heart, migraines, menstrual pain, rheumatism, gout, obesity, impure and irritated skin, inflammatory skin diseases the removal of toxins, excessive sweat, for restlessness, to reduce stress, middle ear infections, festering wounds, swollen and inflamed tonsils, flatulence, is a remedy for indigestion, bloating, inflammatory bowel diseases, joint pain of any cause, arthritis, loosens the mucus in the lungs

Plant parts used:

herb, root, seed

Collection time:

Herb in spring to fall and the root and seeds in fall

To find:

on nutrient-rich soil, in the garden


Ligustilide, terpineol, isovaleric acid, maristicic acid, malic acid, starch, invert sugar, resins, gum, essential oil, lots of iron, angelica acid, tannins


☕ Tea: 2 teaspoons of root/herb or both are added to 1/4 liter of cold water and heated to a boil. Then it is poured off. 2 cups per day are sufficient.

Lovage grows up to 180 cm high. The plant is upright and its stems and leaves are hairless and smell like celery. The stems are thick and celery-like with additional flatly lobed, pinnate leaves. The yellow to thoroughly yellow flowers, which are approximately 2.5 cm in diameter, bloom in late spring. The flowers grow in umbels with a diameter of 10-15 cm. The fruits ripen in autumn and form a 2-part seed. If you rub the leaves and smell them, they smell like Maggie, which also tastes the same.

🛑 You should avoid lovage during pregnancy!!! The maggi herb has photosensitizing active ingredients, which means you should avoid extensive sunbathing in southern regions. Skin contact can cause blisters to form (very rare). !!! If you have existing heart and kidney damage, you must consult your doctor; this is only necessary if you use it in tea form for a long time. This does not affect the spice!!!

Lovage / Maggi herb

Love potions are traditionally made from the root. The soaked lovage gives the water purifying properties. You dip the branches again and again and sprinkle this water at every place where a magical ritual is to take place. You can also use it to drive out bad vibrations.

The root is mainly used as a medicine and the leaves and seeds are used as a spice. The leaves are a healthy salt substitute in soups, vegetables, meat, poultry and fish dishes.

Lovage tea and tincture have the ability to break down elevated protein levels in the blood.

Lovage is an iron smuggler plant.

Lovage is a natural antihistamine that helps combat allergy symptoms. The quercetin it contains stops the release of histamines and soothes the irritation caused by the allergy.

Hildegard of Bingen: Take fennel and more nettle and lovage, twice as much as those two. Make a meal out of it with a little flour and a little bread and eat it; it takes away the mucus from the sick stomach.

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