antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, expectorant, sweetening, antibacterial, antiviral, antioxidant
Areas of application:
It relieves inflammation throughout the body especially in the lungs in case of catarrh, in the stomach in case of an ulcer and in the intestines in case of an ulcer, herpes viruses, gastritis, stomach ulcers, heartburn, acid reflux, stomach pain, nausea, indigestion, cough, bronchitis, sore throat, Cold, a remedy against all kinds of poisons, strengthens vitality, fertility problems, PMS, menopausal symptoms, COPD, relieves eczema, cellulitis and follicular inflammation, there are still research projects for hepatitis C, prostate and breast cancer (the first results are promising)
Plant parts used:
Main root and the extensive root system
Collection time:
September to October
To find:
Licorice grows primarily in the Mediterranean countries. In our country it is cultivated more in protected locations. In gardens, the plant needs a warm place and winter protection.
Mucins, saponins, glycyrrhizin, flavonoids, coumarins, phytosterol, sugar
☕ Tea: Sprinkle 1 teaspoon of root into 1/4 liter of boiling water, let it simmer gently for a few minutes, then strain. 3 cups of tea per day are sufficient.
Licorice grows to a height of around 90 cm. The lilac leaves are 7.5 to 15 cm long and each have 9 to 17 leaflets. The purple to pale blue flowers are about 1.25 cm long and appear in a loose inflorescence. In autumn, the plant produces fruits in the form of an elongated pod, each containing several seeds. The roots form runners that grow close to the surface.
🛑 Attention: The root should not be used if you are pregnant, have high blood pressure, diabetes, heart, kidney and lung diseases and are taking hormones at the same time. Glycyrrhizin can cause side effects if used excessively or taken in high doses. Pay attention to the following symptoms: low potassium levels, hypokalemia, muscle weakness, water retention and swelling, metabolic disorders, high blood pressure, cardiac arrhythmias, erectile dysfunction, possible interactions with other medicines.
The licorice root forms a thick taproot from which a root system up to 2 meters long grows. The secondary roots are dug up after 3 years and cut off smoothly. Then soil is added again and it continues to grow over the next few years.
The licorice-tasting root contains substances similar to cortisone, only without its side effects if you don't use it for longer than 3 weeks.
The well-known licorice can be made from the thickened licorice root juice, sugar, flour and gelatine. Unfortunately the black color is manufactured artificially.
Hildegard von Bingen: Licorice is good for a clear voice, bright eyes and a mild mind. It also helps the mentally ill because it erases the anger that is in his brain.