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Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia syn. Lanandula officinalis)



antiseptic, calming, flatulent, disinfectant, blood circulation, diuretic, antispasmodic, sleep-inducing, anti-anxiety, antiseptic, bile-producing, nerve-strengthening

Areas of application:

Old age, high blood pressure, difficulty falling asleep, inflamed wounds, states of exhaustion, hair loss, urinary retention, palpitations, heart problems, headaches, poor circulation, paralysis, nerve problems, nerve weakness, nervousness, rheumatism, insomnia, stroke, restlessness, burns, injuries, urinary tract infections, cystitis, water retention

Plant parts used:


Collection time:

July to August

To find:

Only possible in the Mediterranean region, as this is where the plant is native. We can find lavender in gardens and parks. Many garden centers now have lavender fields where you can buy the fresh flowering branches and process them yourself.


Lavanulol, geraniol, nerol, borneol, cineole, linalyl acetate, linalool, essential oil, camphor, resin, tannin, coumarin, ursolic acid, flavonoids, glycoside, saponin


☕ 2 teaspoons of lavender flowers are poured with 1/4 liter of boiling water and left to stand for 10 minutes. 1 cup if needed.

🛁 Lavender bath: Pour 1 liter of boiling water over 1 handful of lavender flowers, bring to the boil briefly and let stand for 10 minutes, strain and add to the bath water. Bathe for about 20 minutes. After a herbal bath, a 1/2 hour rest period is mandatory!

Lavender grows to a height of around 30 to 90 cm. It has an irregular, erect, blunt-square and multi-branched stem covered with yellowish-gray bark. It is covered in fine hair. The leaves of lavender are opposite, entire and linear. When young they are white with thick hair on both sides. When fully grown, the leaves are 3.75 cm long and green, with scattered hairs on the upper side of the leaf. The flowers grow in terminal, blunt spikes from young shoots on long stems. The panicles consist of whorls of 6 to 10 flowers each, with the lower whorls being further apart. The flowers of lavender have very short stalks. Its calyx is tubular and ribbed, purple-gray in color, five-toothed and hairy. The shiny oil glands between the hairs are visible with a magnifying glass. Most of the oil secreted by the flowers is found in the glands on the calyx. The two-lipped corolla has a beautiful bluish-purple color.

🛑 Lavender oil taken internally can cause drowsiness at higher doses (more than 1 gram). Excessive use of lavender pillows in the bedroom can definitely lead to headaches. Side effects of lavender essential oil when used internally: Stomach irritation may occur and sensitive people may experience headaches.

A well-filled lavender sleeping pillow is good for a deep sleep and keeps dust mites away. Scented sachets filled with lavender keep moths away from your wardrobe and give off a wonderful scent. You should change the sleeping pillows and scented sachets every now and then when the scent has disappeared.

Lavender is a disinfectant and purifies the air in rooms.

Lavender essential oil nourishes the hair and gives it a beautiful shine.

Lavender oil is an excellent, great-smelling insect repellent.

Hildegard von Bingen: Cooking lavender in wine or with honey and water and drinking it lukewarm relieves pain in the liver and lungs. It clears his mind and relieves the shortness of breath in his chest.

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