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Indian Tobacco (Lobelia inflata)



pain-relieving, nerve-strengthening, antispasmodic

Areas of application:

chronic bronchitis, asthma, pleurisy, pneumonia, anxiety disorders, dysthymia, eating disorders, obsessive compulsive disorders, severe depressive disorders, relaxes the nerves, tennis elbow, whiplash, arthritis, muscle and joint pain, body aches, minor skin irritations, wounds, boils, sexually transmitted diseases, ulcers

Plant parts used:

Leaves, seedpods, flowers, seeds, root

Collection time:

Early summer

To find:

On the east coast of North America and the Great Lakes area and in open forests.


Lobeline, alkaloids


Indian tobacco grows 30 to 60 cm high and grows upright with a sporadically leafy stem. The stem is angular with white hairs, which are less numerous in the upper part, making the stem smooth in the upper part and feathery and out in the lower part. The pale green or yellowish leaves are alternate and become smaller as the stem grows. The stems have tiny white dots scattered along the edge and are tipped with fine spines. The upper part of the leaf is almost glabrous, while the lower part is hairy along the main veins. The delicate flowers are pale blue to purple in color with hints of yellow. These flowers are tiny, asymmetrical and bisexual.

🛑 Due to its lobelin content, Indian tobacco is considered poisonous if consumed in large quantities. If taken internally, please consult your doctor and pharmacist. There are better plants for the uses listed above. Nausea and vomiting may occur.

Since lobeline has similar properties to nicotine, but has unpleasant side effects such as: B. If you have nausea, it is often part of smoking cessation medications.

After oral ingestion, lobeline is quickly broken down into ineffective compounds, so poisoning is unlikely to occur. (Wikipedia)

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