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Houseleek (Sempervivum tectorum)



Cooling, emollient, refreshing, burn and pain relieving, anti-inflammatory, wound healing, anti-cancer, vermifuge, antispasmodic, antipyretic, skin-friendly

Areas of application:

Impotence, poorly healing wounds, when blood poisoning begins, brings relief from painful shingles, vaginal cysts, mucous growths (hygromas) on the knees, toes or wrists, sprains, shock and impact injuries, nausea, septic angina, inflamed mucous membranes in the mouth area, corns , gum inflammation, toothache, freckles, annoying facial spots, psoriasis, psoriasis, middle ear suppuration

Plant parts used:

full-grown leaves

Collection time:

all year round

To find:

Strictly protected plant, hardly found outside of gardens, possibly in dry places in the mountains.


Tannins, mucilage, malic acid, bitter substances, resin, sugar, isocitric acid, formic acid, vitamin C, tannins

Other:☕ Tea: Boil 3 to 4 leaves and strain. Take a spoonful every hour if you feel sick. The tea also helps with septic angina, inflamed mucous membranes in the mouth and inflammation of the gums.

Charlemagne expressly demanded that every farmer have his Houseleek on the roof so that he would be spared from lightning damage.

Houseleek is a proven aphrodisiac.

Hildegard von Bingen: If a man lacks sexual desire, he should put houseleek in goat's milk until it is completely soaked in the milk. Then he should cook it in this milk and add some eggs to it, so that it becomes food that he should eat for three days.

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