Slightly toxic
Blood-purifying, hemostatic, cough-relieving, pain-relieving, vein-effective, blood circulation-promoting
Areas of application:
Varicose veins, edema, venous congestion, heavy legs, sun protection, intestinal catarrh, indigestion, supports the stomach and intestinal mucous membranes, nasal polyps, damaged hands, colds, diarrhea, whooping cough, neuralgia, rheumatism, excessive menstrual bleeding, dehydrating for the tissue, Skin and hair problems, dandruff, lichen, reduces foot sweat, regenerates tired and swollen feet, relieves joint and limb pain, stops uterine bleeding, hemorrhoids, chilblains, stomach cramps, fainting spells, gout, intervertebral disc problems, bile and spleen problems, dissolves liver stagnation, Stops bleeding, constipation, thrombosis, liver swelling, prostate disease, gastritis
Plant parts used:
Flowers, leaves, fruits, bark
Collection time:
Flowers from May to June,
Bark from March to April,
Fruits in autumn
To find:
Mostly found in avenues and parks. You should make sure that you only collect from trees that have not been sprayed.
Glycosides, ansuline, flavonoids, saponins (aescin), resin, tannins, fatty oils, bitter substances, starch, magnesium, coumarins
☕ Flower tea: 1 teaspoon of flowers is poured with 1/4 liter of boiling water and left to steep for 10 minutes.
☕ Bark tea: Add 1 teaspoon of bark to 1/4 liter of cold water, heat and strain after a short brewing time. Drink 1 cup if necessary.
The horse chestnut is a deciduous tree that can reach a height of 15 to 23 meters. Beautiful white flowers with a yellow spot in the center cover the tree in early to mid-May. The yellow color slowly changes to pink as the flower matures. The flower racemes are 12.5 to 30 cm in diameter and contain 20 to 50 flowers per raceme. The leaves are palmately composed and have 5 to 7 oval leaflets. The leaflets are doubly toothed and 10 to 25 cm long, and the whole leaf is 30 to 60 cm long. Peeling bark forms on the trunk and branches as it matures, with only the outer portion peeling off to reveal the orange bark underneath. Each flower cluster bears 1 to 5 fruits. The fruits are about 5 cm in diameter and are covered with a light green, spiny shell that turns brown as the nuts ripen. The spiny shell contains 1 to 2 nut-like seeds. Each shiny brown seed is 1 to 2 inches (2.5 to 5 cm) in diameter and has a light notch at the base.
🛑 The horse chestnut is known to be slightly poisonous, but carefully prepared extracts are safe when used correctly. Do not use on children, during pregnancy or while breastfeeding. Caution is advised when taking blood thinning medications. Monitoring blood glucose levels is advisable, particularly at the start of treatment or when the dose is increased. Talk to your doctor or pharmacist.
The finely ground powder from the dried fruits can be used as snuff.
Horse chestnut is a source of magnesium.
Red Chestnut is the 25th Bach flower. If you are too connected to other people and can no longer properly perceive your own personality, the horse chestnut blossom can solve this mental problem.
In order for horse chestnut to have a successful effect in the body, the plant must be used over a longer period of time. You should consult a doctor about this.
The chestnuts can be used as a detergent.