constipating, strengthening, healing, diuretic, stimulating circulation, pain relieving
Areas of application:
Strengthens the central nervous system, headaches, neuralgia, promotes blood circulation in the brain, migraines, mild diarrhea, gout, rheumatism, uric acid disorders, paralysis, stomach hyperacidity, spleen disorders, nervous diseases, thyroid problems, respiratory diseases, allergic asthma, wounds
Plant parts used:
the flowering herb
Collection time:
To find:
The Ziest can be found in sparse forests, in meadows and pastures, on sunny slopes and in heaths, although it is becoming increasingly rare. It is worth growing the plant in the garden.
Tannins, bitter substances, stachydrin, bedonicin, essential oil
☕ Tea: 1 teaspoon of herb is poured with 1/4 liter of boiling water and left to steep for at least 15 minutes, preferably longer. 3 cups of tea per day are sufficient.
🛑 If the dosage is too high, Zest causes nausea and, if overdosed, has a strong laxative effect, so always ask your doctor or pharmacist. However, with the amount stated in the tea, there are no fears of side effects.
A safe remedy for heartburn is a tincture with Healing zest, calamus and centaury.
Fresh Zest provides yellow dye for wool, and hair could also be tinted with it. The dried leaves are a tobacco substitute.
Hildegard von Bingen: Whoever is stupid and simple, so that he lacks understanding, should crush betonia herb into juice and put it on the whole chest in the evening and bandage it with a cloth. Do this often and the mind will come back. A woman who suffers from heavy menstrual flow, which is also irregular, put concrete herb in wine so that it takes on the taste of it, and she drinks it.