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Grape hyacinth, crested (Leopoldia comosa syn. Muscari comosum)

We consider grape hyacinth to be poisonous, but in Italy there are traditional recipes.


emollient, diuretic

Areas of application:

Emetic after poisoning, bladder problems, dry skin, fever

Plant parts used:


Collection time:

February and March

To find:

In our country, the grape hyacinth is partly protected! It can otherwise be found in vineyards, semi-dry lawns, on the edges of fields or in gardens , where many other muscari species grow and can be used similarly.


Osalic acid, bitter substances, vitamins


The grape hyacinth has been naturalized here since the 16th century. It originally comes from the Mediterranean region, in Iran, Iraq, Turkey, and is a traditional food plant for the Greeks and Sicilians.

In the kitchen, especially in Italy, there are many recipes with onions. Under Lampascioni or Lampagnioni, the onion is first soaked in water for an hour, then the water is removed and then it is boiled, fried, baked with cheese and so on. You can also pickle them in oil and vinegar.

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