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Gentian, yellow (Gentiana lutea)



Stomach strengthening, anti-fermentation, digestive stimulant, expectorant, calming, diuretic, appetite stimulating, strengthening

Areas of application:

Pancreas, indigestion, stubborn diarrhea, strengthens muscles and nerves, cramps, gives strength to anemic patients, cleanses the blood, stomach problems, curbs cravings and fatigue, makes insensitive to frost and cold, strengthens the body's defenses

Plant parts used:


Collection time:

Spring or autumn

To find:

🛑 Strictly protected plant, digging up the roots is forbidden!

You can admire the gentian in the mountains on the limestone soils of the Alps, where it used to grow like a weed. It is difficult to cultivate the plant in the garden, but it is worth a try. The blue-flowering stemless gentian, from which the blue flowers are used, is similar in effect.

Tip: Yellow gentian root can be purchased in pharmacies or online.


Bitter substances = gentianopigrin, alkaloids, sugar, inulin, pectin, amarogentin


☕ Tea: Pour 1/4 liter of water over 1 teaspoon of gentian root and leave to stand overnight, then strain, warm slightly and drink.

🛑 Gentian root should not be taken if you have very high blood pressure, existing stomach and intestinal ulcers, or during pregnancy and breastfeeding!

The classic love potion is brewed from the yellow gentian. To do this, you dig up the root on St. John's Day and make herbal schnapps from it, which you then give to your loved one to drink. Blue-flowering gentian species are thunderstorm defense plants.

It's crazy how many species of gentian there are, it can be found everywhere except in Africa. There are around 400 different species that inhabit the mountain ranges worldwide. About 35 of them grow in our Alps. Gentiana lutea is the only one that can live up to 60 years. Its roots can be up to 1 meter long and has the highest proportion of bitter substances used medicinally of all gentian species. It is grown for the production of medicinal products, bitters and schnapps.

Hildegard von Bingen: Anyone who has pain in their hearts, as if their life were hanging by a thread, should powder gentian and eat the powder in soups or drink it in wine.

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