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Field scabious (Knautia arvensis syn. Scabiosa arvensis)


Metabolism stimulating, astringent, antiseptic

Areas of application:

Rashes, acne, scabies, eczema, chronic skin diseases, anal fissures, hives, ulcers, coughs, sore throats, blood purification

Plant parts used:

Leaves, flowers and roots

Collection time:

April to August, root spring and autumn

To find:

On dry meadows at an altitude of 1500 meters, on the edges of forests, on paths near fields.


Minerals, vitamins, essential oil, flavonoids, bitter substances, tannins


☕ Tea: Pour 1/4 liter of boiling water over 2 teaspoons and let steep for 10 minutes. 2 cups daily are sufficient.

In the kitchen you can use the small leaves of the leaf rosettes and the leaves on the stem of the Field scabious, in small quantities, in any leaf salad and as a vegetable. The taste is mild and slightly sour, but without bitterness.

The use of the plant has become rare and is more commonly used homeopathically.

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