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Eating meat, poultry and fish - Hildegard von Bingen

Eating meat, poultry and fish - Hildegard von Bingen

Eating meat

The pork

“... and it is not good to eat for healthy or sick people, because it does not reduce mucus or other weaknesses in people, but increases it because its heat increases adds to man's warmth, and (this) stirs up storms in man's manners and deeds, which is evil. But a man who is very sick, so that he loses weight in his body and is thin, let him eat moderately from young pigs while he is sick, so that he may gain warmth from their warmth, and after he has recovered, he should not eat more of the piggies because this would increase diseases in him...

Regular eating of pork and sausages should be eliminated from the diet according to Hildegard. There are exceptions for physically weak and weak people, who should only eat meat from young pigs until their condition improves.

The sheep, the lamb

“... is good for healthy and sick people to eat in the summer, but in the winter it is not good for eating because it is cold and because the winter is also cold. ..”

The Goat

“...and its flesh is good to eat for both healthy and sick, and when eaten often it heals the broken and bruised entrails and it heals and strengthens the stomach the one who eats it.”


Eating certain poultry

The bouquet

“But a person who has epilepsy often eats ostrich meat and it gives him strength. But its meat is also healthy to eat for fat and strong people because it reduces their excess meat and makes them strong.”

The Chicken

“And their flesh is good for healthy people... but it gives a little refreshment to the sick. But if someone is very sick and eats this meat often, it creates mucus in his stomach and makes the stomach so sick that he can hardly digest the food he has eaten because this meat is cold...

The Goose

“... and she feeds on pure and impure food... her flesh is not suitable for sick people to eat, because it often causes mucus and ulcers in people...But people Those who are healthy can somehow cope with the meat they eat...


Eating fish

The salmon

"...and it is soft and weak, and it is good for no man to eat, because it excites all the evil juices that are in man...< /p>

The carp

“... and from the swamps he has soft and weak flesh in him... and his flesh does no harm to a healthy person when he eats it, but it does some harm to a sick person... “

The brown trout

"... and for sick people it is not much good for eating, but for healthy people it does not harm...

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