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Cottonwood (Populus deltoides) Western Balsam-Poplar (P. trichocarpa)



pain relieving, expectorant, antibacterial, antimicrobial, antifungal, antioxidant

Areas of application:

Pain, joint pain, aching muscles, arthritis, carpal tunnel, swollen joints, fever, to relieve menstrual cramps, skin injuries, chapped lips, cracked skin, sunburn, burns, boils, wounds, infected skin, in cell regeneration, pneumonia, flu, bronchitis, Whooping cough, tuberculosis, colds, pneumonia, influenza virus, strep throat, sore throat, intestinal worms

Plant parts used:

Bark, buds, leaves, resin

Collection time:

Buds - early spring

To find:

The Cottonwood in northern and eastern North America and the western balsam poplar in western North America, but also in central Europe, along streams, rivers and floodplains.


Salicylic acid


The poplar is a fast-growing, large tree that can reach 45 to 60 cm high when fully grown. It has deep, furrowed, gray bark and shiny, dark green, triangular leaves with elongated teeth on the edges. The leaves turn yellow in autumn before falling. In winter and early spring, the tree produces large buds that are long and pointed. The buds are filled with fragrant, yellow-orange to red resin and are highly valued in medicine.

🛑 Some people may have an allergic reaction to poplar sap. Poplar should not be used by people who are allergic to aspirin or bees.

The salicylic acid contained in the buds and bark acts like aspirin.

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