astringent, anti-rheumatic, calming, blood-forming, blood-purifying, hemostatic, anti-inflammatory, emollient, tissue-forming, uric acid-dissolving, cough-relieving, cooling, soothing, stuffing, wound-healing, pain-relieving
Areas of application:
Abscesses, arthritis, arthrosis, asthma, bruises, anemia, bruises, burns, bronchitis, diabetes mellitus, diarrhea, festering wounds, eczema, boils, gastritis, joint pain, tumors, ulcers, gout, flu, itchy skin, skin cracks, skin damage, calluses , hemorrhoids, insect bite, insect sting, sciatica, itching, bone fracture, periotitis, varicose veins, pneumonia, gastritis, sore muscles, scar pain, sinusitis, kidney disease, sore leg, phantom pain, bruises, psoriasis, bruises, rheumatism, poorly healing wounds, bursitis, pain, Cuts, psoriasis, tendonitis, spider bites, leg ulcers, varices, phlebitis, burns, digestive problems, hardening of the mammary glands, dislocations, sprains, strains, excessive menstruation
Plant parts used:
young leaves, roots
Collection time:
Leaves: April to May,
Roots: Late fall or early spring
Allantoin, tannin, mucus, asparagine, alkaloids, essential oil, flavonoids, resin, silica, pyrrolizidine alkaloids, stigmasterol, rosmary acid, choline, inulin
☕ Tea: Pour 1/2 liter of cold water over 1 teaspoon of root and bring to the boil in a pot. Then strain through a filter or sieve.
For chronic coughs, make tea from the root and add thyme juice or tea and 1 teaspoon of honey. If you don't feel relief and an improvement in your cough immediately, you have to choose other remedies.
Comfrey is a vigorous perennial herb with long, lance-like leaves, each 12 to 18 inches long. The hairy leaves grow from a central crown at the ends of short stems. The plant reaches a height of 60 to 150 cm and spreads to a diameter of over 90 cm. It can be propagated by cuttings but is non-invasive once planted. The flowers of the comfrey are initially blue to purple and turn pink as they age. The thick, tuberous roots have a thin black skin.
🛑 The harmful toxins in comfrey are believed to cause liver damage, lung damage, or cancer when ingested in highly concentrated doses. For this reason, many healers advise against using comfrey internally. However, smaller doses have been used safely in herbal medicine for hundreds of years with no reported adverse effects. So use it as internal medicine with caution or under supervision. Pregnant or breastfeeding women should not use comfrey. Both oral consumption and application to the skin can be dangerous and cause deformities. Do not use comfrey if you have known liver disease or any liver problems. Comfrey heals wounds very quickly. It is therefore recommended that bone fractures be corrected before use. This also applies to puncture wounds; these must first be cleaned carefully, as rapid healing could trap bacterial infections.
Boil 1 teaspoon of root in 125 ml of wine in a saucepan for about 5 minutes and then strain. Take in sips. The tincture is a cough-relieving agent and has a strengthening, tissue-forming and expectorant effect.
In the kitchen, the large leaves are ideal for wrapping various fillings or for baking in dough. The flowers are an edible decoration for sweet and savory dishes. The root used to be roasted as a coffee substitute. The leaves were dried as a tobacco substitute.
Rubs and compresses with the mucous tincture from the root are effective for gout and rheumatism pain.
For bruises, strains, sprains and other muscle and bone injuries, fresh comfrey root pulp is essential and has the best effect.
In the garden, the leaves provide a good liquid fertilizer and manure to combat pest infestations.
The fracture and wound-healing character of the plant is clearly expressed in names such as “soldier’s root”, “healing root” and “leg-breaking root”. In ancient Greece, comfrey was one of the most important medicinal plants used by military doctors. It is also known that Paracelsus achieved amazing healing success with broken bones and open wounds using comfrey dressings.