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Clove tree (Syzygium aromaticum)

Clove tree


Disinfectant, pain reliever, digestive, appetite stimulating, skin irritant, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory

Areas of application:

Aching muscles, sore muscles, overexertion, back pain, rheumatism, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, flatulence, toothache, inflammation of the gums, cancer and heart disease prevention, pancreas, metabolism

Plant parts used:

The flower bud

Collection time:

The flowering period is only after 20 years

To find:

The clove tree can be found in Indonesia, tropical greenhouses, in every shop


Essential oils, eugenol, antioxidants, oleanolic acid, tannin, salicylates, gum, resin


☕ Tea: Brew 2 cloves with a cup of boiling water. Let it steep for 10 minutes, then strain and drink without the grounds. 3 cups per day are sufficient; you drink the tea for cramping pain in the digestive tract (colic).

🛑 Attention!!! Clove essential oil is a powerful remedy that should be used with caution. People who are allergic to eugenol must avoid it. Internally you should generally be careful with essential oil and use other options. Pregnant women and children are also not allowed to take it internally or externally!!!

Tincture: It should be taken internally in the same way you would season with cloves: sparingly, in small doses. Larger amounts lead to poisoning.

The essential clove oil is needed for the production of herbal liqueurs, bitters and for the cocktail spice Angostura, just as it is in the perfume and cosmetics industry.

Hildegard von Bingen: If someone has a headache, that the Head buzzes as if he were deaf because he often eats cloves. When hydrophobia begins to grow in a person, he often eats cloves because their power passes into the human intestines. Their strength goes into the marrow of the person who is suffering from foot gout.

Clove essential oil belongs in fragrance lamps, not just at Christmas time, but especially then. It goes well with citrus scents.

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