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Chives (Allium schoenoprasum)



stimulating, metabolism-promoting, blood-forming, antibiotic, antiseptic, slightly diuretic, antibacterial, antifungal, digestive

Areas of application:

Appetite stimulant, vitamin and mineral donor, insect bites, rheumatism pain, impotence, back pain, to strengthen the lumbar spine, lowers cholesterol levels, strengthens the immune system

Plant parts used:

Tubes and flowers

Collection time:

during the whole year

To find:

more of a garden plant


essential oils, minerals, vitamins


Chives grow to a height of between 30 and 50 cm and are bulb-forming plants. These are slender, about 2.5 cm long and almost 1.25 cm in diameter. The stems are tubular and hollow inside and they grow up to 1 cm wide. The stems have a softer structure until the flowers appear. Chives have grass-like leaves that are shorter than the stems. The leaves are also tubular or round in cross section and are also hollow inside. Its flowers are usually pale purple and grow in a dense inflorescence of 10 to 30 flowers that is 1.25 to 2.5 cm wide. Before the flower opens, it is typically surrounded by a papery bract. The fruits are small, three-part capsules.

If the chives grow particularly beautifully, this is a sign of an evil housewife.

You can use it almost anywhere in the kitchen; it goes well as a spice in salads, soups and potato dishes with meat, etc.

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