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Cherry (Prunus avium)



Diuretic, expectorant, intestinal regulating, blood purifying

Areas of application:

Painful flatulence, prostate problems, as an expectorant cough tea for children, coughs, susceptibility to infections, cellulite, ensures firm connective tissue, good nerves, lowers uric acid levels

Plant parts used:

Flowers, fruits, leaves, bark, resin

Collection time:

April, May or July, August

To find:

In the garden, on cherry tree plantations, with farmers


Provitamin A, potassium, calcium, vitamin C, bitter substances, tannins, fruit acid, amygdalin, essential oil, resin, pectin


☕ Tea: Add 2 teaspoons of dried cherry stems to 1/4 liter of cold water, bring to the boil and let steep for 10 minutes. Drink sweetened with honey. 1 to 2 cups per day helps with coughs, but is also a diuretic.

The cherry delights in the spring with its cloudy white flowers and in the months of May and June with its aromatic fruits. A distinction is made between sweet and sour cherries. The dark, sour morello cherries are particularly suitable for extracting juice.The souls of the deceased and many small forest and tree spirits live in and under the cherry trees.

Cherry stone pillows are often used to warm up and help calm babies during the first stages of crying, stomach pain, muscle pain and so on.

Kneipp considers the chronically cold feet to be the main problem of the sick and a main cause of the obstacles to healing. He says: If someone catches a cold on their feet, they don't get chilblains, but flu, sore throats, jaw or frontal sinus infections, gastrointestinal catarrh and kidney or bladder problems. Kneipp recommends hot foot baths with “prunus essence”. Full baths with a decoction of leaves, bark or stems are also recommended if you are prone to infections.


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