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Aronia, black rowan (Aronia melanocarpa)

Aronia, black rowan


Vitamin-rich, metabolism-stimulating

Areas of application:

Colds, fever, blood pressure, inflammation of the stomach lining, urinary tract infection, hardening of the arteries

Plant parts used:


Collection time:

August to September

To find:

In huge plantations in Northern and Eastern Europe, in parks and in gardens.


Anthocyanins, B vitamins, niacin, riboflavin, folic acid, vitamin C, E, K, tannins, iron, iodine


If the bush bears black fruits you should hurry as they are quickly eaten by birds.

The berries of the aronia, black rowan, are already contained in some ready-made foods, such as muesli, muesli bars, or you can find it as straight juice in organic stores. The fruits are also used in jelly, jam, liqueurs and wine. They taste something like blueberries and are tart and sour.

Dried fruits can be used as a substitute for hibiscus in tea mixtures.

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