Woodruff syrup


10 fresh woodruff logs

125 ml boiling water

3/4 kg sugar

1 liter of water

3 large lemons




citrus press


Place the woodruff stems in a pot, pour 125 ml of boiling water over them and use them to make a strong tea. After about 15 minutes, the stems are filtered through a filter.

Then mix the 1 liter of water with the sugar in another pot and cook over a low heat until the liquid has thickened. Remove the stove from the hotplate. Now squeeze the lemons and add them through a filter to the sugar solution. Only now add the strong tea, mix everything well and then bottle it.

Again, don’t forget to label it with your name and date. The syrup lasts about 1/2 year.

If you want more flavor, you can squeeze fresh plant juice and a few drops are enough for 1 liter of sugar syrup. This also creates the true green tone of the woodruff.


You can drink and enjoy the woodruff syrup with plenty of water.
