Tea mixture for dropsy, urinary stones, gout and prostate problems


1 teaspoon of lovage root

1 teaspoon of nettle root

200 ml cold water


Put the lovage root powder with the nettle root powder in a pot and then add the cold water and mix well. Then bring to the boil and let it cook for another minute. Remove the pot from the heat and let it sit covered for another 10 minutes.

After the steeping time, strain the tea through a fine sieve.


Take 2 to 3 cups daily, preferably between meals. The last cup should be drunk less than 3 hours before bedtime. Otherwise, there is a risk of being woken up by the strong urge to urinate at night, which is generally desirable given the tea's indications. However, the resulting night's sleep should be avoided in the interests of general health.

Can help/Helps with:

Dropsy, urinary stones, gout, prostate problems
