Rub for lumbago


1 part ash seeds

1 part tansy leaves

1 part peppermint

1 part dost (or marjoram)

1 part lemon balm

high proof, pure grain or fruit schnapps

Screw glass

fine sieve or filter



Put the ash seeds, tansy leaves, peppermint, dost and lemon balm in a larger screw-top jar and pour the high-proof grain or fruit schnapps over them. Now place it in the sun for 4 weeks and keep shaking the sealed jar.

After 1 month, the whole thing can be strained through a fine sieve or coffee filter. Squeeze the herbs well. Then pour into bottles and label with name (rub for lumbago) and date.


Please don't drink it! It is used to rub on the skin if it hurts.

Can help/Helps with:

When the sciatic nerve hurts.
