Pipsissewa (Chimaphila umbellata syn. Pyrola umbellata)

Aktualisiert: Feb. 28


bladder strengthening, kidney effective, strengthening, antibiotic, astringent, antiseptic, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, diuretic

Areas of application:

has a disinfectant effect on the urinary tract, prostate, gonorrhea, kidney stones, urinary bladder inflammation, urinary tract infections, dropsy due to kidney disease, enlarged glands, chronic rheumatism, uterine cancer, pain in rheumatism, joint and muscle pain, arthritis, helps to detoxify the liver, blisters, skin wounds , stimulates sweating, respiratory infections, colds, whooping cough, bronchitis

Plant parts used:

flowering shoots

Collection time:

June to August

To find:

Strictly protected plant! The plant is rarely found in pine forests. Seeds for your own garden can be found in specialist nurseries.


Tannins, glycosides, arbutin, chimaphilin, uroleic acid, salicylic acid methyl ester


Tea: Mix 2 teaspoons of Pipsissewa with 1/4 liter of cold water, leave to stand overnight or for a day, strain and possibly warm to body temperature before drinking. 2 cups a day are sufficient; stomach strain from tannins (which remain in the plant during cold extraction) is not to be expected. Children can also drink this tea.

Pipsissewa is a low-growing, upright, evergreen wildflower that reaches a height of 10 to 30 cm. The stems are either simple or branched with whorls of three to seven leaves. The elongated leaves are leathery, shiny and sharply toothed and finely hairy at the edges. Four to eight whitish to pink flowers appear at the end of the flower stalks in June. Each stem contains four to eight five-chambered capsules containing numerous tiny seeds. The plant reproduces by underground rhizomes.

🛑 Uncommon side effects include: confusion, ringing in the ears and vomiting. Seizures can rarely occur. The plant should not be used long-term. In large doses it can cause diarrhea, nausea and vomiting. Pipsissewa can cause urine to turn green, but this is not harmful. Because of its tannin content, it can interfere with the absorption of some medications. Several hours should pass between taking the herb and taking the medication. People with poor nutrient absorption should use wintergreen as it can reduce the absorption of minerals from the intestines. Wintergreen should be avoided during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Some people are allergic and may develop contact rash or blisters.

Pipsissewa has been on the decline for decades, so it is rarely used. The effect of the plant is similar to bearberry. Pipsissewa is available commercially as ready-made medicines and in homeopathic form. It grows much more frequently in America than here and is used in the same way as in Europe. The first priority is the treatment of prostate problems.

In the kitchen you can use the berries like cranberries. They are inedible on their own, but when cooked they are tart and delicious.
